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ImprovementSitewide frequency of Pixpet species (6 Posts and 83 Views)
Early Adopter

Dec 28th, 2017
Posts: 38
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Pixdex: 150
1 Month ago
Jan 9th, 2025 - 7:18 PM
Nr. 1 #47056 5
I just noticed this was absent in this game so i thought on suggesting this as an improvement at Pixdex page. Or maybe a completly different page.

Sitewide frequency is something basic that various pet adoption games have. Basically, numbers or ranking of each Pixpet species. This generally helps the player discovering the true value of their own pets and their rarity in game.

Heres an better example for what i’m talking about.
Will use Drax since is the first of the Dex

    Sitewide frequency of Pixpet species | Species Game Stats:
    Total Number/Amount of Drax Adopted in Game: 19876556
    Total Number/Amount of Drax Returned to server: 987678
    Total Number of Unhatched Eggs: 200
    Total Drax you own: 2 Drax

    Number of Drax Adopted by Color Group Chance:
    60% Aqua - 6625518
    35% Yellow - 3312759
    5% Cyan - 3312 759

    Top 10 Players with the most amount of Drax species adopted
    1 - Nickname001 - 300 Drax adopted
    2 - Nickname002 - 254 Drax adopted
    3 - Nickname003 - 140 Drax adopted
    4 - Nickname004 - 120 Drax adopted
    5 - Nickname005 - 100 Drax adopted
    6 - Nickname006 - 40 Drax adopted
    7 - Nickname007 - 30 Drax adopted
    8 -Nickname008 - 20 Drax adopted
    9 - Nickname009 - 10 Drax adopted
    10 - Nickname010 - 5 Drax adopted

I don’t understand anything about game coding so i don’t know if something like this can be possible right now, but i think this would be very cool for more curious players and for collecting purposes or any kind of future feature.
Pixpals and Vivids can also have something like this.

Mar 8th, 2019
Posts: 125
Pixpets: 75
Pixdex: 68
27 Days ago
Jan 17th, 2025 - 12:47 PM
Nr. 2 #47060
During the inspection of the site in 2019 I remember a pixpet page seemingly broke for me and it just showed a string of information about my pixpet. It would require writing a program that extracted and added this data together and organized it into categories, but assuming such information is stored as fetchable data, and the devs would want to invest time into this, then it is doable.

The idea is good and I know my curiosity would be sated with it.

Jan 25th, 2019
Posts: 606
Pixpets: 262
Pixdex: 84
27 Days ago
Jan 17th, 2025 - 1:11 PM
Nr. 3 #47061 2
Only if it's tracked already. But it also means that we need a page for each pixpet in the pixdex, which, is a lot, so I don't know if it's the best thing Pixpet should use its resources on.
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Aug 29th, 2024
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27 Days ago
Jan 17th, 2025 - 2:02 PM
Nr. 4 #47062
Agreed with @icearashi on that. The idea is ok I guess but it's more like veteran-oriented stuff that doesn't actually expand the gameplay - someone will check that out a few times and then it'll be forgotten. Yeah, I'd be kinda proud of being a single owner of a 0.2% color chance pixpet but that'd be so... transiently, I'd say. I'd be proud even without resorting to database checks, tbh.
Something more significant should probably always be in priority - the basic gameplay loop improvements, the endgame, the content and so on.

Sep 26th, 2018
Posts: 425
Pixpets: 263
Pixdex: 60
23 Days ago
Jan 21st, 2025 - 12:04 PM
Nr. 5 #47077 4
Hmmm we don't track the exact number X player has adopted unfortunately. Certain stats we do track... I'll see if we can posts stats at some point here and there as titbit kind of information.

As Digraska has mentioned we are more focused on producing endgame at the moment/gameplay loops, just sorry for my absence as of late, in the middle of moving houses and all that, logistical nightmare ahahaha. Thank heavens for the rest of the team managing in my stead while I'm lugging stuff around.

Once I find some time, I will finally implement the next portion of the adventure main story as I've finally gotten the next part from the writer recently.

Thank you all for your continued support.
Early Adopter

Dec 28th, 2017
Posts: 38
Pixpets: 244
Pixdex: 150
23 Days ago
Jan 21st, 2025 - 2:00 PM
Nr. 6 #47078 2
I understand it. And yes, some stats would be really cool to share sometime.

Thanks for the feedback guys!
Everyone, keep up the good work!
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