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Miscellaneous General Art Thread (7 Posts and 102 Views)
Early Adopter

Jan 25th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 2nd, 2019 - 7:33 PM
Nr. 1 #3666 2
I noticed there is not like a thread here for people who either feel too anxious to make their own thread (Which is me.. kinda ironic for starting this, but I felt like someone should! So I decided to do so.), people who feel like they don't draw enough to have one thread dedicated to their stuff (Also me. ), or don't have enough drawings that they feel like they should have their own thread. (I got a lot I have done over like 3 years of verrry off and on drawing hahah, so that is ehhh not quite true I am just not active at it at all when it comes to drawing things.)

So basically this thread is for everyone to share their little pieces, to include anyone who draws that might not normally due to not making a thread. (Like.. me. I felt too uncomfortable to just make a thread for my drawings I have done, so I figured do this for anyone that might feel like I do.)

Last thing I will state before I will start this off with what I have done, I would like to request just so this is a comfortable kinda place for people who might be really nervous about posting, is for you to ask the person before criticizing their art.

With that said, I hope to see all the cool stuff all of your creative minds can do!

Now for my stuff, I will preface that I don't mind criticism. I don't really draw much, but I think I am.. eh.. okay at what I draw.
I will also spoiler this, as my introductory post to this thread has been long enough
Also warning, it's mostly furry stuff hahah, and rather long.
Bubbadoo's Signature

It's a shark!

Dec 24th, 2018
Posts: 41
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Pixdex: 4
5 Years ago
Jan 3rd, 2019 - 12:05 AM
Nr. 2 #3704 1
Wow, I have so much to comment! I hope you don't mind (and if you do, I can edit it).

First of all, it's really nice of you to make a thread like this, thinking on the others with some insecurity! I know exactly what it feels like...
But your drawings are really nice! You certainly deserve your own thread, if you decide for it, anyday. Really really.

It's so cool to draw your friends! I wish I had more furry contacts to draw! I mostly do humans for friends, and it's already rare. I specially love the details and the eyes of Deathro. They look peaceful, or dreamy ^.-.^
I love roses, because I have this Beauty and the Beast complex, and yours is amazing!
You work well with shadows and different shades. Keep going! Also, the skin on the hand drawing is really great!

Oh, I love your sona! I loved the flower, the hair, and now even more, after seeing the picture and... there it is!

Congrats for all this!
If you really don't want to make this a thread for your own work only, maybe I can use the place, too.
Kyrion's Signature
Early Adopter

Jan 25th, 2018
Posts: 57
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Pixdex: 6
5 Years ago
Jan 3rd, 2019 - 2:09 AM
Nr. 3 #3732
Quote by: @Kyrion


Hey, thank you so much! I am glad you like all my drawings!

I am so happy you like the rose, it was one of the things I really like drawing.
I also do believe I do have a bit of a knack with shading, at least with pencil on paper. No clue how to shade on digital, it's not like I can just rub it darker and blend with a finger lol.

You should join the Pixpets discord if you haven't yet, that community is full of furs. If you want too, I could pull you into a few other big furry communities so you could make friends with and draw some furry folks.

I am also glad you like my shark! He's a good shorko, I like him too though I swear I myself can't draw him well enough for my tastes. I really like some commissioned work I have of him more hahah.

I don't feel comfy making my own thread, because I do not draw often enough I feel.. also well.. too nervous to just have my own art thread.
Lastly, if you don't want to make your own thread too, then feel free to post here as that is a big 'ol point of this thread. I would love to see what you have drawn too!
Bubbadoo's Signature

It's a shark!

Dec 24th, 2018
Posts: 41
Pixpets: 14
Pixdex: 4
5 Years ago
Jan 5th, 2019 - 1:10 AM
Nr. 4 #4096
Hey, thank you again for the help I don't know if I'll feel comfortable joining bigger groups. Maybe I should try?

Don't be harsh with your drawings! They're so nice. Practice your sona until you're satisfied with your skills (even though we always want to do better next time).

Well, I'm not drawing that much lately (even though I tried Inktober last year, anime themed), so I think I won't make a thread myself. I'll use this one you kindly offered to the forum!

I'll try to post something more recent, if I can draw anything nice!
Kyrion's Signature
Early Adopter

Jan 25th, 2018
Posts: 57
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Pixdex: 6
5 Years ago
Jan 7th, 2019 - 1:39 PM
Nr. 5 #4526
Quote by: @Kyrion
Hey, thank you again for the help I don't know if I'll feel comfortable joining bigger groups. Maybe I should try?

Unless you have bad social anxiety, like really bad, then I would recommend diving in to a large community or two so you can get comfortable like that. Else you will just kinda always be nervous and never join, aye?

Also your drawings look really great!
I like how your character looks a lot.
Bubbadoo's Signature

It's a shark!

Dec 24th, 2018
Posts: 41
Pixpets: 14
Pixdex: 4
5 Years ago
Jan 12th, 2019 - 11:30 PM
Nr. 6 #5319

No, I don't have bad social anxiety, I'm a teacher! I need to deal with people a lot. I don't know exactly why I avoid taking part in online groups. Maybe you're right. I know even reserved people can find good friends and have a lot of fun in a community. I accept some ideas! (Maybe we should PM this to keep this thread artistic only!)

Thank you! It's very kind of you
Kyrion's Signature

Oct 1st, 2018
Posts: 10
Pixpets: 30
Pixdex: 18
5 Years ago
Jan 26th, 2019 - 11:43 PM
Nr. 7 #7298
I don't draw to often so I figued I'd just share it here
Three years difference:
Jolly's Signature
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