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How much does item grade matter? (3 Posts and 72 Views) (Closed)
Topic Tags: item, grade, grading, item grade
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Jan 30th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 20th, 2019 - 5:45 PM
Nr. 1 #10346
How much do item grades actually matter? From a brewing/cooking/baking perspective, what matters more, the text grade (Pure vs Extremely Pure) or is it the actual number (99 vs 100)?

Does a grade 100 potion produce a better result than a grade 96 potion? Both are Extremely Pure but have different numbers. Is the game judging all Extremely Pure grade items equally, or is it looking at the physical number? Meaning a grade 100 item is strictly better than a grade 99 item.

I know that in the case of pumpkins, grade 100 yields more food than grade 99. I'm just not sure how this applies to items with indirect outputs, like potions and evobars.
bgyoshi's Signature
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5 Years ago
Feb 20th, 2019 - 6:52 PM
Nr. 2 #10353 1
You'll want to look at the actual number grade, since the site calculates the potion's effects using the number. The text description gives you a general idea of how well the potion will work.

For most potions, (Pixpet, Decoration, Special Ingredient, etc.) simply the higher the number grade, the stronger its effects. For example, even if you use a low grade Pixpet potion, it still increases the chance of bringing back a Pixpet compared to using no potion. However, a high grade Pixpet potion will increase the chances even more. Here is a guide from @VampVixen on potions.

For Evobars, all you need to worry about is that the Evobar's final grade is over the minimum grade (either 30 or 60). After that it doesn't matter - a grade 60 Evobar and grade 100 Evobar does the same thing.

That pretty much answers your question, but for a few potions, the exact number is a more important. Read on for some info dump...

Wealth potions will always give you Grade/2 PC when your Pixpet returns, up to a max of 50 PC with a grade 100 Wealth potion. So you should be careful if you see a Wealth potion on sale/auction because you might not get much of a net return on PC or even lose PC if it's too expensive.

Level Increaser potions temporarily increase your pet's level by Grade/2. If you give a grade 100 Level Increaser potion to a Lv 100 Pixpet, their level will temporarily be 150 during the hoard! It's probably better to use these for low-levelled Pixpets because the effect is not as noticeable if your Pixpet is already high level.

For Mass Range Extender potions, the higher the number grade, the more the lifting capacity of the Pixpet increases AND decreases (it expands the range in both directions).

For Rarity Excluder potions, a grade 100 potion will exclude anything under 33% rarity (meaning you only get very rare things with a rarity of 0-33%). This applies to both Pixpets and decorative items. The calculation is: 100 - round(Grade/1.5).

Let's say I have a Cyan Pixpet and I want to try to find an Albino Xeldron. In the Cyan colour group are Sealott (55%), Bloomfer (65%), Drax (30%), and Albino Xeldron (0.8%). All I'd need to do is make sure my Rarity Excluder potion is a grade of 69 or higher, because that lets me find things only 54% or rarer, so it excludes Sealott and Bloomfer. Any grade of Rarity Excluder potion between 69-100 will work. Then I'll throw in a Pixpet potion, cross my fingers, and send my Pixpet off!

(I hope I didn't calculate anything wrong but let me know if I did.)
Ellix's Signature





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Jan 30th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 20th, 2019 - 7:54 PM
Nr. 3 #10357
Very helpful, thanks!

I suppose I'll compile a list of items that are important to make max grade and others that aren't.
bgyoshi's Signature
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