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Pixpet Interaction Lottery
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Welcome to the Raptor Pack!

We are a city habitat and part-time rehabilitation center for Veli-kin! Feel free to look around or talk to our Pixpet patrons. Careful not to be too rough with the eggs! Information on each pet can be found in the spolier spaces below their stat cards. Get to know our little family if you like, or just stop by to say hello!

We currently have (25) Velibolt, (0) Velox, and (1) Velirex in our pack!
Placed Pixpets
AvailableRed Lantella
10039#039-A GirafiraDec 19th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
140630♀ Female6% (Very Rare)61-91 WU
AvailableBlack Noot
10046#048-A PomprockJan 6th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
146767♀ FemaleNone41-71 WU
AvailableWhite Spectacle
10027#L04-A SnowkoFeb 10th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
157577None1.2% (Legendary)0-30 WU
AvailableWhite Aragorn
10029#046-C Albino ColocrowFeb 26th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
163592♂ Male4% (Super Rare)21-51 WU
AvailableGray Coconut
10045#020-A VeliboltFeb 18th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
7271♂ Male55% (Normal)0-30 WU
AvailableGray Dimitri
10042#053-A VelidotJan 25th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
3943♂ MaleNone25-55 WU
As the male alpha of the Pack, Dimitri sarcastically refers to his own role as "asset management, minus the et". During his childhood he would listen, enthralled, to many alphas brag about their own packs, awed by how strong, confident, and proud they seemed to be. He quickly decided that the life of an alpha was not only appealing--it was his destiny! He would form the biggest, best Pack in all of Pixel history!

Well, he's still determined to do that, even if only to prove it can be done. He just didn't realize how much paperwork was involved with something like running an ever-increasing household of skittish dinosaurs. The poor guy hardly gets to leave the house these days with how busy he is, but he still makes time to get to know the various members of his Pack.

Fun Fact: His full name is Dimitri Sweepe Rukkus the III.
AvailableBrown Maple
10041#012-A MobathJan 15th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
3003♀ Female65% (Common)1-31 WU
AvailableBrown Avery
10051#017-A BovitaurFeb 23rd, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
7625♂ MaleNone70-100 WU
AdventureBlack Apogee
10063#056-A VeplurexJan 16th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
2841♀ FemaleNone70-100 WU
The founding mother of the Raptor Pack. Among the pack, Apogee is well-known for being a "femme fatale"--strikingly gorgeous and iron-willed, but prone to being fickle and indecisive. As the pack has grown, so too has her ego, and as the pack's female alpha, she loves to flaunt herself and her 'underlings' to anyone within earshot. These days, her stories (despite being heavily embellished) draw quite a crowd, and she's even convinced some of the pack to help her act out certain scenes.
AvailableGreen Pumpkin
10043#027-A IguroarJan 10th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
2333♀ FemaleNone70-100 WU
AvailableLime Cinnamon
10046#008-A ParrogrineDec 24th, 2018
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
660♀ FemaleNone25-55 WU
Cinnamon is a sweetheart, and that hasn't changed since she evolved. As a tiny Troffinch, Cinnamon loved to flit around inside, exploring new angles and hidden corners to help hone her adventuring skills. Now as a Parrogrine she's too big to fly in the house, but that hasn't stopped her from exploring outside!

After a long hoard, Cinnamon tends to relax by crashing in a cool, dark place (usually under a table somewhere) for a few hours, favorite Drax plush under wing. Her whistling snores are so adorable!

The Velibolt pack haven't seen too much of Cinnamon, as she tends not to hang around them for very long. I think she's scared of how large their group is. She doesn't handle crowds very well. She does, however, love eggs! Often she'll sneak a few loving pats to whatever new eggs are in the nest that week before darting off to pretend like it never happened... must be a bird thing.
AvailableWhite Takkju
100113#L03-C Albino XeldronApr 5th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
21049None0.8% (Legendary)70-100 WU
<<< The dragon himself! >>>>
Boyfriendo :3
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