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Pixpet Creation Guidelines
Pixpet Creation Guidelines

If you subscribe to Patreon Super Sponsor Tier (Tier 6) for at least 6 full months (does not have to be continuous), you unlock your own Pixpet. A Pixpet will be designed according to your design input/wishes and added to the game to be found by everyone. However, the Pixpet must follow certain design specifications to remain coherent to the design of the other Pixpets. By subscribing to the Tier 6 on Patreon you agree to those terms.

Design Specifications: All Pixpets are based on higher developed animals or "animalesque" fantasy creatures. The animal part is a main trait while side traits can be of any kind. Pixpets can not be humanesque/anthropomorph looking. The colors must fit into the 16 color system of pixpet and can not be too colorful (e.g. "Sparkledog"). The Pixpet is drawn and illustrated by the site artist in any case and is property of pixpet.net, but with your design credits.

Naming and other Specifications: The pixpet name should be always based on its appearance/nature. Other specifics like the weigh/size/description/color/lifting capacity and so on can be suggested, but are not guaranteed to be added to the game in the exact way.

The patron agrees (by entering the Patreon Super Sponsor Tier [Tier 6]), that the final product is full property of the pixpet.net owner company. However, the species idea/design credit will be given out in the game.

  • Do I have to pledge continuously?
    No! You can depledge and pledge again as long as there are enough Tier 6 slots! The game will keep track of how many months you pledged on Tier 6 already.

  • What happens after I receive the pet?
    Nothing! You can continue pledging for the next 6 months or you can depledge as you like.

  • Can I pay up front?
    We're sorry, but paying up front is not possible.

  • Can the pet be an evolution of an existing pet?
    Definitely! Even devolutions are possible. However an evolution must resemble the previous form in some way so that it is clear the pet belongs to the same evo line.

  • Do I receive my own pet?
    Yes, you will be the first one to receive it once it has been added to the game. You do not have to find it on hoards. However other players will be able to find it on hoards.

  • What if there are no more Tier 6 slots left?
    Number of slots may be adjusted to demand.

Any more questions?
Please contact admin[at]pixpet.net
Last edited by Komodo, Jul 21st, 2019 - 1:20 PM
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