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NewsDecor Contest Results + Feb Update
News Tags: decor, contest, results, feb, february, 2025
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1 Day ago
Feb 12th, 2025 - 7:45 PM
#47095 11
Hey everyone, it's been a while! Today we're announcing the contest winners (finally!) from the recent decor contest, and we also have a ton of new items for you!


Our judges have carefully discussed each submission, and we hope you'll be pleased with the results!

πŸ₯‰3rd Place:

πŸ₯ˆ2nd Place:

πŸ₯‡1st Place!!

Thank you all so much for participating!
We'll be awarding the contest prizes shortly!

Contest prizes have been awarded,
but please let me know if you didn't receive yours!

Also, some new stuff to find on hoards! Thank you @HappyElanda for doing all the heavy lifting for this update!

New Decor
As we enter the year of the snake, we have some scaly new decorative items for you! Most of these items come in multiple colors (not all are shown here), and what's even more exciting is that the majority of them are rotatable -- with the exception of the wall skins of course!

There are overall 30 new items to find, including color variations. Happy hoarding everyone!

Coming Soon...
New pixpals are heading this way, but they're a little late! Expect them to arrive in the Pixrealm in the next 2 weeks!

Wait a minute.
What happened to the sitewide gift that was promised in the last update?! Don't worry, we didn't forget about it! Unfortunately it was delayed because of technical difficulties. But now we actually have 2 items to send out, so stay tuned for those!

That's our update for today, and we hope everyone is having a good February so far!

6 Comments - 92 Views
NewsHappy New Year!
News Tags: new year, 2025
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Apr 6th, 2018
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1 Month ago
Jan 1st, 2025 - 12:00 AM
#47022 13
Hey all! We'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and a Happy 6th Pixpet Anniversary! (We realize we're a bit late, so we apologize!) To those of you who've been around the site for a long time, thank you so much for playing and continuing to help us improve the game over the years! Your support means a lot us. And to those who joined recently, a big welcome and we hope you'll stick around to make some new memories with us!

Without further ado, today's update!

New Legendary Pet
A new, but strangely familiar legendary pet has been discovered! However, it's been difficult to get a good look at it because of its blinding sheen. If you see it, make sure to wear protective eye gear!

This is a New Year's pet that will be available from today until March 31, 11:59 PM (PST).

This pet is a bit of a collaboration, as it's based on an old concept sketch by @Komodo, and the spritework was done by me (BK) -- so please blame me for any art mistakes you notice! πŸ˜‚ Either way, we hope you enjoy it, and thank you Komodo for letting us use your awesome sketch!

New Decor
Something icy for your walls, plus a jolly recolor of the kitchen and bathroom set, brought to you by @HappyElanda!

New Pixpal
A frosty new pal appears!

Additionally, look forward to a sitewide gift that will be coming in the next few days, courtesy of @HappyElanda!

Classic Winter Items & Pets Return!
If you missed them last year, don't fret! Older winter items, pets and pals are back and you can view them on the Pixpet Wiki (thank you so much to our wiki contributors)!

Now Available: Pixpet Merch
Some of you may have already noticed the banner, but our merch shop is now live! Right now there are just a few things there, but soon I'll begin working on the suggestions that you all provided in a recent poll. In fact, those of you who suggested to put @Lorienee's gorgeous ancestry paintings on merch might be happy to see these!

Clicking an image will take you to its shop page :)

There are also more designs in the shop than what I've shown here! You can see the rest at: pixpetmerch.redbubble.com

Have an amazing new year everyone, and a safe winter!

10 Comments - 223 Views
NewsContest Announcement
News Tags: decor, design, contest, 2024
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Apr 6th, 2018
Posts: 1638
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Pixdex: 165
1 Month ago
Dec 15th, 2024 - 4:17 PM
#47010 5
Hey everyone, we're hosting a decorative item contest over in the contest forum! Follow the link below to be taken there! And hope you have a good day :)

4 Comments - 203 Views
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