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Pixpet Interaction Lottery
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❖30 • Self-Taught • Art Student • Monster/Romance/Action Horror Enthusiast•Egalitarian•Christian † •Married (7 years)❖

I'm in college, so I'll be slow to reply sometimes. I'm so sorry! >_<;
Yo, I'm Hemuset, but a lot of folks call me Zelos, or Zelvuk, or... Well, I got a lot of nicknames. My birthday is New Year's Eve, I like long walks through museums, and I'm a shortie and Latina (I speak Spanish mostly fluently, can't write it well though).

Placed Pixpets
AvailableBrown Daolin
Entrance Floor
00#012-B Vivid MobathJan 25th, 2025
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
362426♀ FemaleNone1-31 WU
AdventureRed Yasnia
Front Yard
8429#030-A PydeerJul 23rd, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
68118♀ Female14% (Very Rare)40-70 WU
AdventureGray Koen
Entrance Floor
8621#042-A ShileoApr 4th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
173206♂ Male23% (Rare)31-61 WU
AdventureBlack Tokara
Back Yard
10032#009-A FelipheneJan 21st, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
148500♂ Male30% (Rare)10-40 WU
AdventureWhite Okrel
Back Yard
10037#045-A KrashOct 25th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
112344♂ Male3% (Super Rare)54-84 WU
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Hemuset's House

Renovated Farmhouse
Hemuset's Interactions
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