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Pixpet Interaction Lottery
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it's okay if you can't return clicks my pets are full-time hoarders lol
Placed Pixpets
AvailableRose Victor
Entrance Floor
10030#017-B Vivid BovitaurOct 6th, 2021
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
253719♂ MaleNone70-100 WU

Caterpedee the Caterpedee
AvailableBrown Icarus
Entrance Floor
529#025-A IgupunkMar 28th, 2023
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
252287♂ Male52% (Normal)0-30 WU

Dukko the Dukko
AvailableAqua Anthony
Front Yard
4710#014-A AntabirMar 28th, 2023
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
316826♂ Male12% (Very Rare)45-75 WU
AvailableAqua Anderson
Front Yard
459#014-A AntabirMar 29th, 2023
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
317434♂ Male12% (Very Rare)45-75 WU
AvailableAqua Drew
Entrance Floor
10023#001-A DraxSep 29th, 2021
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
253113♂ Male30% (Rare)0-30 WU
AvailableAqua Sean
Entrance Floor
9521#024-B Vivid SealottOct 6th, 2021
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
254118♂ MaleNone30-60 WU
AvailableAqua Rebecca
Back Yard
10022#057-B Vivid RibboxOct 3rd, 2021
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
253720♀ FemaleNone0-30 WU

Caterpedee the Caterpedee
AvailableLime Vincent
Second Floor
9722#020-A VeliboltOct 21st, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
196786♂ Male55% (Normal)0-30 WU

Snek the Snek
AvailableLime Orion
Second Garden House
4211#031-A OwluckMar 27th, 2023
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
255361♂ Male18% (Very Rare)0-30 WU
AvailableGreen Iggy
Second Floor
7415#026-A IguzzleOct 27th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
197198♀ FemaleNone20-50 WU

Bamster the Bamster
AvailableGreen Sheldon
Second Floor
7715#038-D Vivid Crocus ShluppbunFeb 26th, 2023
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
317269♂ MaleNone1-31 WU
AvailableGreen Vee
Front Yard
5313#016-A VeemoothJul 13th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
196944♀ Female65% (Common)15-45 WU

Mystifly the Mystifly
AvailableLime Monnie
Garden House
9926#049-A MossatriceJul 12th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
196781♂ Male6% (Very Rare)59-89 WU

Flitterwing the Flitterwing
AvailableLime Tracey
Garden House
10030#008-A ParrogrineJul 15th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
197693♀ FemaleNone25-55 WU

Snek the Snek
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Krastei's House

Loire Chateau Porte de Bretagne
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