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Snake's Pixpet Gallery
unfinished lexie and gianni thing (ft my altudrax)
while looking through my wip folder i found this thing i made two years ago, figured i might as well post it lmao

i remember finding these two's dynamic super funny in my first adventure run, seeing gianni's reaction was what spurred me to make this

ryakio makes a comeback! kinda! i missed seeing her tbh she is my very good very reliable altudrax and i don't know why i gave her that raccoon esque eye marking all that time ago but i'm glad i did i think it makes her cuter

Tags: kyagrowl, bovitaur, altudrax, adventure npcs
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21 Likes 12 Favourites
Category: General Pixpet Artwork
Pixpet: #010-A Kyagrowl
Uploaded: 1 Year ago
May 13th, 2023 - 10:26 AM
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unfinished lexie and gianni thing (ft my altudrax) (2 Comments)

Mar 8th, 2019
Posts: 119
Pixpets: 75
Pixdex: 68
1 Year ago
May 14th, 2023 - 9:25 AM
Nr. 1 #2071 1
Ryakio is precious!! She is made super cute by your art style and the racoon face marking. Very memorable Altudrax. Love how you draw Kyagrowl, too! Adorable comic, very good art.

Jan 18th, 2023
Posts: 18
Pixpets: 71
Pixdex: 26
1 Year ago
May 14th, 2023 - 7:05 PM
Nr. 2 #2072 1
Awwww is so cuutee
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