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Pixpet Interaction Lottery
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Placed Pixpets
AvailableYellow Sheila
Study and hangout
8016#018-A RootaxApr 28th, 2023
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
175538♀ Female30% (Rare)30-60 WU
AvailableCyan Carlos
10054#006-A UrsufuzzMar 30th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
167164♂ MaleNone60-90 WU

Glizzard the Glizzard
AvailableWhite Kara Rose
Kitchen and Dining
10060#030-A PydeerMar 5th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
156653♀ Female14% (Very Rare)40-70 WU

Talotl the Talotl
AvailableGreen IceFeathers
Kitchen and Dining
10074#048-A PomprockJan 31st, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
154813♀ FemaleNone41-71 WU

Flitterwing the Flitterwing
AvailableIndigo Naya
9021#041-A ImprexApr 28th, 2023
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
169602♀ FemaleNone70-100 WU

Snoodle the Snoodle
AvailableBlack Cica Mica
Kitchen and Dining
10023#010-A KyagrowlApr 27th, 2023
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
187749♀ FemaleNone50-80 WU

Hedgemouse the Hedgemouse
AvailableBrown Bean
Kitchen and Dining
10022#012-B Vivid MobathApr 27th, 2023
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
321961♂ MaleNone1-31 WU

Piwikiwi the Piwikiwi
AvailableYellow Legendbirb
408#L01-A FinngriffMar 25th, 2024
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
344373None2% (Legendary)70-100 WU

Bovoxen the Bovoxen
AvailableAqua Dracia
Study and hangout
6614#002-A AltudraxDec 10th, 2021
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
189844♀ FemaleNone59-89 WU

Frigflap the Frigflap
AvailableRose Lea
10072#004-A LuputrixJan 26th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
153418♀ FemaleNone45-75 WU

Buggo the Beeble
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19th Century Urban Villa
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