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Pixpet Interaction Lottery
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pronouns xie/xer/xim

Current knitting project: a prawn
Started preparations for painting the upstairs bathroom
I also play Fallen London under this same name.
I think my fastest time for Roodoku right now is about 5 to 6 minutes.

Mini Blog Update

I periodically step away from online games only to return after a hiatus and I feel a hiatus coming on, so I'll see ya'll when I come back.
Placed Pixpets
AvailableOrange Nelly
Entrance Floor
6617#002-B Vivid AltudraxFeb 22nd, 2022
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
279647♀ FemaleNone59-89 WU
Eggs gotten from adventure

Eggs retrieved from hoarding

Blossom the Flitterwing
AvailableRose Jackal of the Abyss
Second Floor
7320#004-A LuputrixFeb 21st, 2022
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
279458♂ MaleNone45-75 WU
Eggs gotten from adventure

Eggs retrieved from hoarding

Blep the Glizzard
AvailableOrange Cassidy
Third Floor
7013#039-A GirafiraFeb 20th, 2022
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
278654♀ Female6% (Very Rare)61-91 WU

Wurmslurp the Hedgemouse
AvailableRed Saffron
Third Floor
7115#015-A SunobraFeb 16th, 2022
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
279061♂ Male40% (Normal)25-55 WU
I didn't anticipate ending up with quite so many cobras. Or, coatl cobras? I think those are feathers. I hope a mongoose doesn't get in here, it could get messy.

Snapple the Snek
AvailableBlack Pepper
Entrance Floor
7515#053-A VelidotFeb 13th, 2022
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
278441♂ MaleNone25-55 WU
I look forward to evolving this one because the zigzag floof on top is the only part of the design I'm not fond of. Raptors have been my favorite since I was a child, and I like how these have feathers to be up to date with a more modern reconstruction of dinosaurs. Cute and very cool! Gray as a color scheme is lovely, too, like doves and clouds.

Ruby the Frigflap
AvailableGray Smoke
Entrance Floor
7115#015-D Vivid Nightshade SunobraFeb 11th, 2022
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
277972♀ FemaleNone25-55 WU
Compulsively plays spider solitaire repeatedly. Smells out savory treats to swallow whole, then slips silently into shadows to digest. Good fang dental hygiene. Solitary nature, secretive and quiet. Not up to anything, just enjoys her own company. Knows an awful lot about scorpions. Watches spiders and insects with patient appreciation for their various habits, silent except for the flup flup flup of her moving cards with her tail. She has a sort of grabby tool with a sticky pad for arranging the cards despite her distinct lack of fingers.

Squeegie the Caterpedee
AvailableRose Cupid
Third Floor
8216#019-A FluffpaxaFeb 8th, 2022
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
277551♂ Male20% (Rare)20-50 WU
Can spit farther than anyone. Think you can spit farther? You can't. If you actually can, just don't tell him. He is not afraid of a single thing. Not a thing. Think his apparent vanity presumed from how fluffy and beautiful and soft he is is due to insecurity? No, of course not. It's an expression of his self love: conditioner, at least four kinds of combs, various moisturizers, hoof pedicures, and the most dewy gorgeous eyelashes you ever did not want to look at because he's kinda intimidating and I'd rather not get his attention, thanks, but keeping my distance on this one. You'll have to get a lot closer to find out if he has a heart of gold. Not that close, please, personal space.

Turtle Cake the Gomble
AvailableAqua Emelia
Second Floor
9220#038-B Vivid ShluppbunFeb 21st, 2022
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
279648♀ FemaleNone1-31 WU
Named for an OC, a trans woman who is an artist with a collection of cute plushies. She rarely procrastinates because it drives up her anxiety too much. Emelia acts as a mom friend to her best friends (more like, "that boy is no good for you, have some tea, eat your veggies, what are you doing with your life" than, idk, making cookies or whatever). She's typically rather stressed and tense, oblivious to flirtation attempts, daydreaming while she throws herself into her work. Sings when she has headphones on, so that her singing sounds good to her but lacks something to those who overhear.

Scuttle the Hedgemouse
AvailableRed River
Back Yard
8320#L02-A Noo-LongFeb 7th, 2022
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
277519None1.8% (Legendary)70-100 WU
These dragons are so cool. I learned recently Chinese dragons shoot water out of their mouths, not fire. Props to the pixel artist who included the glow reflected on the nest beneath the egg and how the reflection changes intensity based on how close the egg is. I see that, and I like that detail. Another gendervoid legendary!

Sydney the Unikin
AvailableWhite Flopsy
Second Floor
8117#038-A ShluppbunApr 22nd, 2022
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
287846♂ MaleNone1-31 WU

Redgill the Talotl
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Historic City Apartment
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