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Pixpet Interaction Lottery
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r y o u «LLM»

Hello! I'm Ryou, I commonly go by that alias on other pet sites and whatnot.
I draw a lot, and play vidya games like every cool 90's kids out there.
I have an obsession with noodly things that is not limited to just ferrets, stoats and snakes.

Commission Thread
Placed Pixpets
AvailableBlue Beni
Cursed Classroom
10072#L02-C Albino Noo-LongDec 22nd, 2018
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
302NoneNone70-100 WU
Beni | ♂
- Crimson Tactician -
Former Strategist of the Eastern Alliance
Presently an Antique Shop Owner
Tenant of Ajisai, but perhaps more

Former a reputable strategist of Eastern Alliance,
now a fugitive in hiding. Beni owns an antique store in
the heart of Emblyn, where he sells his hoards ranging
from all forms of odds and ends. He is known to be
quite an eccentric figure, as evidenced from his collection
and fascination of strange (and shiny) artifacts.

CV: Takehito Koyasu

AvailableWhite Lien
Field of the Fallen
6519#030-A PydeerMar 11th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
7943♂ Male14% (Very Rare)40-70 WU
Lien | ♂
God's Chosen Link

A clergyman and inquisitor from the harsh North.
Wearing a stern and no nonsense expression, this man is
rarely speaks about himself, but does not hesitate to preach
the words of God. Rumors said that he was formerly
from the Central, but had been ousted under a suspicion
of being a heretic and leading a cult to worship
an unknown being. No one knows for certain, however,
nor dare to speak of this matter in his presence...

AvailableBlack Muninn
Cursed Classroom
00#046-A ColocrowOct 31st, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
118940♂ MaleNone21-51 WU
AvailableBrown Chocolatte
Field of the Fallen
6014#012-A MobathMay 2nd, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
35227♀ Female65% (Common)1-31 WU
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