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Pixpet Interaction Lottery
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Pay a visit to Schnecco's home and play the interaction lottery to help increase their pixpets satisfaction level.


Thank you for visiting, and for all the treats you feed my pets!

Feel free to send a PM if you have questions or want to chat. I have extras of just about every non-furniture item and most Adventure items, so if you need anything, just ask!

If I am not around, I am probably studying or looking into a microscope.

Placed Pixpets
AvailableYellow Xoloto
Grand Entrance
10024#L13-A Gold XeldronJan 8th, 2025
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
361176None1% (Legendary)65-95 WU

Walfus Pixinyte
Must be logged in.
Hatching Progress:  68%
AvailableGreen Mionzi
Grand Entrance
10048#070-A QhoulffinNov 8th, 2024
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
358915♂ MaleNone10-40 WU

Walfus the Walfus
AvailableIndigo Gennady
Game Lounge
100235#029-A PentadileMay 3rd, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
35916♂ MaleNone45-75 WU

Grembli the Grembli
AvailableBlack Varuth
100164#L11-A WucheimonJan 23rd, 2024
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
340894♂ Male1% (Legendary)65-95 WU

Grembli the Grembli
AvailableIndigo Tsveta
100435#011-A BloomferFeb 10th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
5954♀ Female65% (Common)0-30 WU
Liadan found Tsveta's egg and may or may not have dropped it in the process. It did survive to hatch...

Tsveta's name is from the Slavic word for "flower" or "blossom."

Workat the Workat
AvailableIndigo Brania
Back Yard
10074#036-B Vivid DoeliathOct 17th, 2021
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
258390♀ FemaleNone70-100 WU

the Workat
AvailableGray Kahili
Kitchen and Dining
100152#046-B Vivid ColocrowOct 18th, 2021
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
258376♀ FemaleNone21-51 WU
AvailableGray Melaina
Kitchen and Dining
100432#020-A VeliboltNov 1st, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
40738♀ Female55% (Normal)0-30 WU

Calarakna the Calarakna
AvailableGreen Giada
Living Room
10065#L12-A YryuiliaSep 21st, 2024
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
355317♀ Female1% (Legendary)65-95 WU
AvailableCyan Kaida
100235#L03-C Albino XeldronMay 15th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
152825None0.8% (Legendary)70-100 WU
AvailableLime Vasanta
100119#L07-A VernavreMar 15th, 2023
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
318296♂ MaleNone50-80 WU

Capsavier the Capsavier
AvailableBrown Arun
Front Yard
100367#017-A BovitaurFeb 7th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
5831♂ MaleNone70-100 WU
Arun practices different offensive and defensive techniques with his horns daily, and has finally gotten used to their physical weight, if not the weight of the responsibility that comes with using them.
Arun’s egg was found by Bercilak the Antabir, and Arun devotedly does whatever Bercilak wants. He is one of the few PixPets whose presence Bercilak actually tolerates. Arun’s name is derived from Sanskrit, meaning “reddish brown.” It is the name of a charioteer of the Sun.

Starskipper the Starskipper
AvailableOrange Vasuki
100475#L02-A Noo-LongDec 25th, 2018
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
63None1.8% (Legendary)70-100 WU
Vasuki is laid-back and loves rearranging their liquid gem collection. They are sad when one has to be used for a potion, but give it up anyway because they just want everyone to be happy. Vasuki really wants to be Alasdair’s BFF, but feels dejected when Alasdair gets envious that Vasuki happens to bring back better items from a hoard. Still, the two of them usually travel together.

Vasuki is my Patreon starter. They are named after one of the King serpents in Hindu and Buddhist mythology, who is also known as one of the eight Great Dragon Kings.

Delidove the Delidove
AvailableWhite Sarika
Game Lounge
100127#067-B Vivid BrooperiApr 10th, 2024
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
345495♀ FemaleNone20-50 WU

Starskipper the Starskipper
AvailableYellow Xanthe
Front Yard
100220#L03-A XeldronFeb 24th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
7411None1.8% (Legendary)70-100 WU
Xanthe is still not entirely aware of their size, which makes them rather clumsy. They love to cuddle, and act a bit like a lap dog, which can be a problem. Hopefully they will gain some more perspective about their size and the world with more experience.

Ramona the Tuxo brought home Xanthe’s egg. “Xanthe” comes from the word for “yellow” in Greek.

Jecko the Jecko
AvailableRose Varduhi
Kitchen and Dining
100398#L02-A Noo-LongJul 7th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
35898None1.8% (Legendary)70-100 WU

Jecko the Jecko
AvailableBlack Nisha
Front Yard
100220#069-A RavehainNov 3rd, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
121192♀ FemaleNone30-60 WU

the Mistledoe
AvailableBlue Riya
100253#007-A TroffinchDec 22nd, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
121138♀ Female30% (Rare)0-30 WU

Jecko the Jecko
AvailableBrown Izotz
Grand Entrance
100555#025-A IgupunkDec 27th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
123698♂ Male52% (Normal)0-30 WU

Sweasel the Sweasel
AvailableWhite Inanna
100381#041-A ImprexJan 2nd, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
1348♀ FemaleNone70-100 WU
Inanna spent the first month of her life tending the home and garden, running the shop, and learning the ins and outs of the marketplace. Her success at the latter is debatable, but she now considers herself an amateur economist. She spent a long time looking forward to hoarding, but has become ambivalent about it. She adores and dotes on Misha the Ursufuzz, whose egg she found.

Inanna sometimes writes journal entries, but has been too busy to update them recently.

Inanna’s egg was found by Vasuki. Her name is a combination of “Indigoat” and “nanny goat.”

Owlusion the Owlusion
AvailableWhite Espen
Back Yard
100439#005-A UnicubbDec 19th, 2020
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
126639♂ Male30% (Rare)0-30 WU

Cerbarkus the Cerbarkus
AvailableRed Liadan
Back Yard
100360#021-A VeloxFeb 3rd, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
3962♀ FemaleNone30-60 WU
Liadan is even more hyperactive since she evolved into a Velox. Good luck trying to get her to stay at home. There is no method to her madness, and she does whatever she wants on hoards, without any regard for looking for specific items she is asked to find. Everyone loves her anyway, which is why she gets away with it.

Liadan's egg was found by Alasdair. Her name means "Gray Lady" in Irish Gaelic, but she has never been in the gray color group.

Cerbarkus the Cerbarkus
AvailableBlack Vichet
Grand Entrance
100228#022-B Vivid VelirexOct 17th, 2021
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
258404♂ MaleNone70-100 WU

Lambit the Lambit
AvailablePurple Helix
Kitchen and Dining
100580#043-A ShiboroAug 21st, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
81164♂ MaleNone70-100 WU

Voyage the Mimisoar
AvailableRed Wani
100582#028-A SawrotagNov 2nd, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
39396♀ Female40% (Normal)0-30 WU

Methoataske the Gomble
AvailableBlack Yuna
Living Room
100532#013-B Vivid TuxoOct 20th, 2021
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
258393♀ FemaleNone0-30 WU

Robin the Frigflap
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