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Pixpet Interaction Lottery
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asher espalier «LLM» ________ Sell me your Furniture . Atelier Asher Art Shop

hello, i'm bird, or asher!
i do not check this site often
anymore, i guess you could
say i am inactive now o:

thanks for the fun times!
you can visit me at the sites above.


Placed Pixpets
AvailableBrown Bullture
Room 202
00#052-A BulltureJul 2nd, 2021
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
229901♀ Female3% (Super Rare)27-57 WU
AvailableBlack YoRHa Unit 2B
10024#046-A ColocrowNov 3rd, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
119700♀ FemaleNone21-51 WU
  YoRHa No.2 Type B (Battle) - 2B -

Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse?
AvailableWhite YoRHa Unit 9S
Roof Garden
10021#046-C Albino ColocrowNov 3rd, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
120640♂ Male4% (Super Rare)21-51 WU
  YoRHa No.9 Type S (Scanner) - 9S -

Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle...and wonder if we'll ever get the chance to kill him.
AdventureBrown Myrtille
Room 202
100134#004-A LuputrixDec 21st, 2018
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
53♀ FemaleNone45-75 WU
  myrtille - blueberry -

The right hand of the lord of L'aigle. Her wild and rough demeanor has earned her the moniker 'Mad Dog of L'aigle'.

Art by me
Art by others mink
AvailableGray Musang
Room 326
100122#036-A DoeliathMar 12th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
11851♀ FemaleNone70-100 WU
  musang - free -

A cheerful merchant who will try to sell you anything. Has a huge oversized backpack that seems to have everything you need.

AdventureGreen Lucertola
100137#027-A IguroarJan 14th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
1456♂ MaleNone70-100 WU
  lucertola - lizard -

Silently judges you. An overprotective step-brother to Fulmine.

AdventureIndigo Svelta
100129#022-A VelirexJan 17th, 2019
IDGenderRarityLifting Capacity
3090♀ FemaleNone70-100 WU
  alla svelta - briskly -

A wild-spirited pirate. Often enjoys teasing the authorities and skirting the law for fun.

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bird's House

Historic City Apartment
bird's Interactions
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