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Dec 1st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Apr 8th, 2019 - 7:57 PM
Nr. 23 #16306

Wayvern claps with joy, you have helped her find enough of the code for her to be able to open the lock. She keys in the code into the keypad and opens the door with a flourish, revealing a large storage area which is cluttered with various items, some of which are still in their capsules. Every surface appears to have been used, and storage boxes line the one wall for further storage of Wayvern’s treasures.

Wayvern heads over to one of the storage boxes, and then turns around to see that you are all still standing in the doorway.
“Come in, come in. I wish to give you all a special gift as a way to say thank you for all your help. Come closer so that you can pick which one you would like.”

You all start to file into the room, taking an interested look around and careful not to tread on any of the items lying on the floor. As you approach Wayvern, she starts to lift the lid to the storage box and you immediately notice that there is a slight glow is coming from the inside! What is causing that? Your curiosity increases and you gather around Wayvern as she finishes opening the lid. Wayvern immediately reaches into the storage box and pulls out a strange capsule. You are surprised to see that the oval shaped capsule that she is holding is glowing a soft green. The capsule itself is two shades of green and appears to be large enough to fit an ordinary capsule in, or even an egg if you desired.

“This capsule is a design that I have been working on.” Wayvern explains, “I like to dabble occasionally in making things, and I think that you will like this. They have all been filled with various items from my hoard, and there are enough for everyone to have one each. Please, help yourselves.”

Wayvern steps back to allow you all to approach and pick out a capsule of your own.

Wayvern's Signature

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