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Frequently Asked Questions
Huge thanks to @BK47 for writing these FAQ!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I make money on Pixpet?/What's the best method to make money on Pixpet?
A: This question has a very long answer, so we made a guide for it! [link]

Q: I read the tutorial, but is there anything else I should know that will help me play more effectively as a new player?
A: We have a lot of great guides that will help you feel out the game! To start with, I recommend VampVixen's "Getting started on Pixpets" guide.

Q: How long do hoards get? Or what's the max hoard time?
A: Hoard times are calculated by your pet's level, with each level (including 0) adding 20 minutes to the hoard time. If you want to figure out how long your pet will be away before sending them on a hoard, a quick way to do it is to take your pet's level and divide by 3 to get the hoard time in hours. The longest possible hoard time is 1 day, 9 hours, and 20 minutes at level 100, while the shortest hoard time is of course 20 minutes at level 0.

Q: How much food does a hoard take?
A: The food required to send a pixpet on a hoard depends on the level and weight capacity of the pixpet. Generally it will take 5 food per level, plus the average of its WU, though there are some exceptions. You can see the amount of food a particular pet requires at its current level by looking at its Hoarding Status when it is placed and done resting.

Q: The SLVL in one of my rooms won't increase anymore, even though it's not at max! I keep placing more decorations but it stays the same!
A: A room will only register the SLVL of the 20 rarest items placed in it, so if those 20 items don't add up to 70 (the max), and you place another item that isn't rarer than the least rarest of those 20, then it won't increase the room's SLVL.

Q: How long do eggs take to hatch?
A: As you might've already guessed, each species has a different hatch time. Typically legendaries have the longest hatch times. If you want to know exact hatch times, you can look up a particular species on the Pixpet Wiki to find out.

Q: Does the site have a dark mode?
A: It does! If you look at the logout button in the top right, immediately to the left of that is the "Dark Mode" button. Click that, and voilà! Your retinas are no longer melting.

Q: Is there a limit to how many times I can harvest a plant?
A: As long as you water them regularly, plants have an infinite number of harvests! Pumpkins, however, are single-harvest.

Q: How long will it take my pumpkins/plants to grow? And at what stage can I harvest them?
A: Pumpkins have three harvestable stages-- Blooming Pumpkin, Sprouting Pumpkin, and Grown Pumpkin. There are 3 hours and 35 minutes between each stage, and it takes 10 hours and 45 minutes to reach the first harvestable stage. For all other plants, it varies greatly, but you can find the info on the Pixpet Wiki by searching for a specific seed. Plants are harvestable at the "Ripe Product" stage.

Q: How do I get more plant pots?
A: Most plant pots come from Neutral Capsules which can be found on hoards. More rarely, they can be found in capsules of any color. You can also use a Plant Pot Potion to greatly increase your chances of finding plant pots. The recipe can be viewed at the bottom of the Potion Brewing Station on the Cooking Stations page.

Q: How many pumpkins can I get from a single vine? Is there a way to increase the number?
A: The number of pumpkins you get is random between 1 and 4, and you'll know how many you'll be getting at the "Blooming Pumpkin" stage. From there, there's no way to increase the number. However, before you plant a pumpkin seed, you can use pumpkin fertilizers (which are obtained from hoards) that increase or maximize the number of pumpkins you get.

Q: How do I get Evolvulus Flowers from my Evolution Fruit plant? Am I missing something?
A: It's a common misconception (probably because of the names) that the Evolvulus Flower and Evolution Fruit come from the same plant. Actually, they're two completely different plants! Here's what they look like:

Evolvulus seed, ripe plant, and product

Evolution Fruit seed, ripe plant, and product

Q: What's the benefit of Slow Growth Fertilizers?
A: For pumpkins, the Slow Growth Fertilizer makes it easier to catch pumpkins at a specific stage, for people who don't log in often. For other plants, it's a bit of a mystery.

Q: I played Sunobra Chase, but it didn't give me any food pellets./Roodoku didn't give me any PC.
A: In order for the minigames to award you food pellets or PC, you need to use one of your arcade tokens at the end of the game. You can do this three times a day.

Q: Roodoku puzzles seem to be unsolvable! Is this a bug?
A: The good news is that Roodoku's algorithm can only create puzzles that are solvable. The bad news is that it's giving you very difficult ones! If you need help solving it, please post a screenshot in Site Help of the puzzle you're stuck on, and our Roodoku masters will be glad to help.

Q: How do I change my profile and signature?
A: You can change your profile by going to [link], which can be found under Game > User > Customisation. Your signature can be changed at [link], which is found under Forum & Help > Forum > Profile.

Q: What are the image dimensions for the profile description/forum signature?
A: For profile descriptions, the image dimensions are 583px x 600px (width x height). With the height, you can make it as tall as you want, but after 600px it will cause a scroll bar. Signature dimensions are 423px x 190px.

Q: How do I delete my posts/threads in the forums?
A: Only forum mods can do this at the moment. Since forum points can be converted to Pixcoins, if we allowed people to delete their posts and threads, it would be very easy to spam posts to gain points, then delete the evidence before a mod notices. If you need one of your posts or threads to be deleted, you can PM one of our forum mods and they'll be happy to help you!

Q: How do I figure out the right price for an item/egg that I want to sell? I looked at the market, but prices are all over the place. Or nobody else is selling it.
A: The first thing you can try is asking on the forums or the Discord server. Most people are happy to help! But if you're too shy or introverted for that, there are some other options. With the case of market prices being all over the place, an easy way to decide how to price something would be to take all the prices you see for a specific item/egg and average them together, and make that your price. For items/eggs that no one else is currently selling, you want to at least price them above the sellback price, which can be found by clicking the "Sellback" button in your item inventory, or the "Return Egg" button near the top of the Pixpet Egg Handling page. I still highly recommend asking other players about prices though, because some super rare items have a sellback price of only 1 PC, and you don't want to undersell that!

Q: When I return/sellback an egg to the server, is the ID of that egg gone forever, or is it recycled?
A: The ID is removed forever, so be careful when selling eggs back to the server! However, IDs are only generated once the egg is added to your pixpet inventory, so an egg that's returned from the hoard result page won't have an ID.

Q: If I save up item capsules and then wait until new decorations are released, will my capsules be able to generate those new items?
A: Unfortunately no! The item inside a capsule is determined the moment the pet returns from a hoard. So you'll only be able to get items that existed at the moment that you your pet returned from a hoard with that capsule.

Q: Will there be a mobile version of Pixpet, or a way to receive push notifications about certain activities?
A: Komodo has optimized the site for mobile browsers, and he continues to think of ways to make the site easier to use on mobile. However, there are currently no plans to make a Pixpet app or implement push notifications.

Q: How do I get the Early Adopter badge? I registered before the game opened to the public, but I didn't receive it.
A: The Early Adopter badge was awarded to anyone who registered before beta. The last day you could get it was September 17, 2018.

Q: How do I change my username?
A: You can ask a site mod (game mod/forum mod) who's currently online. Please have a good reason though, because we won't do it often.

Q: How do I move into a house that I just bought?
A: To move houses you must first remove everything from your current house.
  • Pixpets must have returned from hoards and be fully rested in order to be removed.

  • All decorative items, including wall and floor skins, must be returned to your inventory.

  • Plants must be returned to inventory, or destroyed and the plant pots returned to inventory.

  • All pumpkin slots must be empty.

After everything is removed, go to Housing > My Houses, select the vacant house, and click Move into this House.

Q: What's the point of Average Grades?
A: Average Grades can be used to combine stacks of the same item, for use in cooking or to save inventory space. Also, if you have enough high-grade items, it can be use to raise lower-grade items. For example, 10x grade 50 and 1x grade 45 will average to 11x grade 50.
Last edited by Takkju, Oct 22nd, 2021 - 5:36 PM
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