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So since IDs went past 12000, who got 11037? (6 Posts and 134 Views)
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5 Years ago
Mar 16th, 2019 - 8:35 PM
Nr. 1 #13422
As someone who is a big fan of Danganronpa, I must know who got pixpet #11037 so if you have it, speak up! Chances are the person doesn't even realise how significant that number is to people like me!
And if it got sold to the server, that would be quite depressing!
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5 Years ago
Mar 16th, 2019 - 8:39 PM
Nr. 2 #13423 1
I was hoping to find out the same thing. I wish pets had individual viewable pages so this was easier to find.
Rin's Signature
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5 Years ago
Mar 16th, 2019 - 8:51 PM
Nr. 3 #13425
i think there's supposed to be less focus on ID numbers on this site, unfortunately
Kookaburra's Signature

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5 Years ago
Mar 16th, 2019 - 9:24 PM
Nr. 4 #13431
I’m just going to repeat what I said on the Discord here. That particular range of IDs were found at least a week ago. If anyone else, in the future or now, is searching for a particular ID — you’ve got to speak up beforehand if you know the number is getting close to being found. Either say something on the forums, or in the Discord. Eggs are almost constantly being found now, and chances are the average person isn’t going to have knowledge of fandom numbers, potential birthday numbers, or just a number combination that is special to someone in particular.

I vaguely recall seeing 11037, but I can’t remember exactly if it was part of my eggs or not. If it was, I likely sent the egg back to the server because I’m only currently keeping eggs I intend to hatch since the market is still in an unstable place.
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5 Years ago
Mar 18th, 2019 - 7:19 AM
Nr. 5 #13607
@Ninjago @Rin

I have some good news: this ID still exists, and the owner doesn't intend to delete it. However it's definitely a hatched pet, so there's no way for anyone else to obtain it (at least currently). I can't give too much info because I don't want people to find out who has it and bother them, but I'll at least say that the pet isn't a legendary.
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5 Years ago
Mar 18th, 2019 - 7:25 AM
Nr. 6 #13608
@BK47 I see, thank you for the news. I wasn't asking to try and obtain it; I was really just curious about what species it was, but I understand your intentions in keeping that private.
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