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Celestronach's Log of Happenings (15 Posts and 171 Views)
Topic Tags: blog

Nov 7th, 2023
Posts: 28
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8 Months ago
Nov 15th, 2023 - 10:41 AM
Nr. 1 #46400 2
I thought it might be cool to make a blog of sorts to document exciting or interesting things that happen as I play Pixpet. I might also incorporate reminders in here, but I guess we'll see how this turns out!

Most of the replies will likely be me writing new entries, but feel free to drop a reply if you want to!

There'll probably be a contents page in this post at a later date.

Anyway, the exciting thing that has happened today is that I was able to afford an upgraded house!
I wanted to skip a few levels, and I ended doing so. I jumped from a New Luck Bungalow to a Renovated Farmhouse!
Now all I need to do is wait for my pumpkins to finish growing and for my Pixpets to return from their hoards.

Thanks for reading! I hope to see you in the next one!
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Mar 8th, 2019
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8 Months ago
Nov 15th, 2023 - 12:35 PM
Nr. 2 #46401 1
Congrats on the larger house! You'll enjoy the ability to grow many more pumpkins in that one compared to the Bungalow you had, it is a very noticeable increase of available Pumpkin slots. Have fun decorating the garden!

Nov 7th, 2023
Posts: 28
Pixpets: 77
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8 Months ago
Nov 15th, 2023 - 2:39 PM
Nr. 3 #46403
Quote by: @TailedThief
Congrats on the larger house! You'll enjoy the ability to grow many more pumpkins in that one compared to the Bungalow you had, it is a very noticeable increase of available Pumpkin slots. Have fun decorating the garden!

Thank you!!
Celestronach's Signature

Flower Game


Nov 7th, 2023
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8 Months ago
Nov 16th, 2023 - 7:47 AM
Nr. 4 #46404 1
I moved into the Renovated Farmhouse today!
I set up my furniture and I'm really happy with how the Entrance Hall turned out!

Unfortunately, the other rooms don't look as good. But I can grow more pumpkins and hatch more eggs!

I'm planning on making the Oecko I'm currently hatching a permanent member of the household. I really love Oecko, so I'm pretty psyched about adding one to my squad!
Celestronach's Signature

Flower Game


Mar 8th, 2019
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8 Months ago
Nov 16th, 2023 - 10:45 PM
Nr. 5 #46406 1
Oecko is best pet. Truly a marvelous member to add to the squad. Room is looking good! You did a good job on it. May the added room for hatching pets and growing pumpkins serve you well. With this much more room and now that you'll be able to send some more of your pets on hoards, you'll find more furniture to decorate your rooms with and make them good-looking in no time

Nov 7th, 2023
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Pixpets: 77
Pixdex: 84
8 Months ago
Nov 17th, 2023 - 12:22 AM
Nr. 6 #46407 1
Quote by: @TailedThief
Oecko is best pet. Truly a marvelous member to add to the squad. Room is looking good! You did a good job on it. May the added room for hatching pets and growing pumpkins serve you well. With this much more room and now that you'll be able to send some more of your pets on hoards, you'll find more furniture to decorate your rooms with and make them good-looking in no time

Thank you again! And that's the plan!
Celestronach's Signature

Flower Game


Nov 7th, 2023
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8 Months ago
Nov 20th, 2023 - 3:08 AM
Nr. 7 #46414 3
Hey guys!

Recently I've been making some decent progress in Adventure! My lovely Oecko, Benthazar, is now my main adventuring Pixpet, and I had to redo a bunch of quests and little things to get to where I was with Rosalind.
That said, over the past three days, I have not only caught up, but far exceeded my previous progress!
I got the Hero of Haven badge, and man, that was fun!


I've also been trying to find some mushrooms for the Evolution Potion needed to make the Tropical Bird Evobar. Green Mushrooms, I think? So I've been trying Hoards with a few of my other Pixpets in case they're not available for my usual Hoarding Pixpets.
Now I think of it, I think there's a Topic about item drops. I might check that out.
I had a cursory look, and it didn't say anything about green mushrooms. I suspect that either all Pixpets can acquire them or only Green Pixpets can. My evidence for them being non-Green exclusive is that I've got a Black Mushroom from a non-Black Pixpet. However, Black Pixpets may be a Neutral colour. I'm not sure.

Anyway, thanks for reading, and have a lovely day!
Celestronach's Signature

Flower Game


Jun 9th, 2019
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8 Months ago
Nov 20th, 2023 - 8:51 PM
Nr. 8 #46420 2
Hello there! You may have figured this out by now, but just in case Black mushrooms and Green mushrooms are common hoard items, which means they have no color associated with them and can be found by any Pixpet. ^^ The same goes for Liquid items (Pearl, Sapphire, etc.) seeds, special ingredients, and all other ingredients in general. (With the exception of Pumpkin-related products)

The chances are pretty high for finding them, happy hunting!
Mimpii's Signature

Nov 7th, 2023
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8 Months ago
Nov 21st, 2023 - 12:56 AM
Nr. 9 #46421
Quote by: @Mimpii
Hello there! You may have figured this out by now, but just in case Black mushrooms and Green mushrooms are common hoard items, which means they have no color associated with them and can be found by any Pixpet. ^^ The same goes for Liquid items (Pearl, Sapphire, etc.) seeds, special ingredients, and all other ingredients in general. (With the exception of Pumpkin-related products)

The chances are pretty high for finding them, happy hunting!

Thank you!!
Celestronach's Signature

Flower Game


Nov 7th, 2023
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Pixdex: 84
8 Months ago
Nov 24th, 2023 - 4:32 AM
Nr. 10 #46446 2
I've upgraded my house again! I'm all moved in, too!
Still working on hatching all my eggs, but it'll go faster now I've got more pixpet slots.

I finished the Tropical Bird evobar today! I'll have to wait until tomorrow to give it to Rosalind, though, since she's out on a hoard.
Celestronach's Signature

Flower Game


Nov 7th, 2023
Posts: 28
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Pixdex: 84
8 Months ago
Nov 25th, 2023 - 9:22 AM
Nr. 11 #46448 1
Heads up, I'm doing this post over a somewhat extended period of time today, so its posting time might not quite correspond with the events listed. I'll likely do this in future posts, so I can have more to post per post.

I finally evolved Rosalind!
Parrogrine looks pretty good. I prefer the magenta of Troffinch, though. I might do an edit of Parrogrine with a different colour scheme later, if I feel up to it.

I've almost finished hatching my Pixpals. I have two more to go.
I paired the Magenta Koaida with Elijah, because they're both based of Australian animals. (On that note, is there a Pixpet or Pixpal based off the platypus? Because I love those guys.) I have yet to name him. Maybe Euka? It's based of Eucalyptus, the koala's primary food source.
I'll probably pair one of my Praerikins with Rosalind, because it'd make sense for her to have a buddy who can also fly. Maybe Kirun, they're both green.
I think I'll pair the Rose Caterpedee with Benthazar. I really like its colours, so I want to pair it with one of my little guys. Again, I don't have a name for her. I might call her Cupcake, though, because that's what her colours make me think of.

Ooh, Grumpuin hatched! Time to look through my list of names I use for Pokémon naming. I think I have some names of glaciers I could pick from.

Huh, two of the glacier names have jökul in them. They're both Icelandic glaciers, so maybe jökul is the Icelandic word for glacier. Especially since one of the glaciers is Langjökull, which translates to long glacier.
... I might call him Langjö. Sounds a bit like Jango, which is a name I like, and it ties in with the glacier idea.

I'm not sure what Pixpet I'll evolve next. Neither Oecko or Rootax evolve, and they're my only current permanent team members other than Rosalind. Sure, I'll evolve all Pixpets eventually for the Dex, but I want a goal to work towards.
... I have a Vivid Drax egg I'll end up hatching at some point. Maybe that should be my next goal? Or perhaps the Feliphene?
I don't know. I suppose I have time to figure it out, though. No need to rush.

I got a Vivid Krash egg in Adventure! I love how these funky lil dudes look! I plan to add one to party permanently. They're very cute!
I might also pair it with a Seersoar or Praerikin, since Seersoar is a semi-aquatic creature, like Krash seems to be, and Praerikin because a bird could likely keep up with an amphibious creature, able to fly over land or sea. Though Praerikin isn't a sea bird, so maybe it wouldn't be as effective as a Seersoar.
Celestronach's Signature

Flower Game


Nov 7th, 2023
Posts: 28
Pixpets: 77
Pixdex: 84
7 Months ago
Dec 2nd, 2023 - 6:12 AM
Nr. 12 #46449
I've purchased the Riverside Mansion! It's a big upgrade, with more of all slots! Now I just have to wait for my Pixpets to finish their Hoards. Oh, and for my pumpkins to finish growing.

It's going to be reassuring to have so many pumpkin slots - I've been a bit worried I'd run out of Pixpet food for my hoarding Pixpets. (Somewhat irrationally, too, since I've managed to keep at a relatively stable 3k Pixpet food.)

Rosalind reached level 100 recently. I think it was yesterday? And Elijah's getting there, at level 88.

I wonder what of my Pixpets I'll move to my party once I have the extra slots? I've been using all of my slots but three for egg hatching, but even with the eggs in Benthazar's inventory, I think I'll have hatched them all soon enough.
And even if I don't, I think I have enough Pixpet slots in the new house that I won't mind adding at least one more Pixpet.
Maybe my Vivid Krash egg, when it hatches? I do really want to add Vivid Krash onto my team. And when I've hatched all my eggs, maybe Luxa, too. The currently unhatched Noo-Long or Lani too, perhaps?

Speaking of the Noo-Long, I think I might call it Xephyr (pronounced zephyr).
Celestronach's Signature

Flower Game


Nov 7th, 2023
Posts: 28
Pixpets: 77
Pixdex: 84
3 Months ago
Apr 16th, 2024 - 9:08 AM
Nr. 13 #46723 1
It's been a long time since my last post! But just because I haven't been updating this doesn't mean I haven't been playing!
I've been semi-active for quite a while now - trying to keep up my streak, keep my plants watered, and my Pixpets on Hoards.

Recently, I've run out of slots for Pixpals (again), so I've been working on buying some more slots, so I've been more active than I was for my semi-active period.

I want to shuffle around my Pixpets, but, well, the lack of Pixpal slots has made that rather difficult. I've also obtained four eggs which I have still yet to hatch - three Shluppbun variants and Brooperi.

Based on the timestamp for my last post, I've hatched almost two pages of Pixpets since then, which is pretty wild, frankly. I was going to list them all, but after realising just how many I've hatched, I decided that'd be a bit too much work for now.

Anyway, to list my current goals:
  • Hatch all four new eggs

  • Buy more Pixpal slots

  • Switch Torquin & Frost out of my party

  • Complete Pixdex

  • Complete Pixpaldex

  • Side note, does anyone know how to view all the posts you've made on the Forum? Because the only reason I was able to find this thread is because I followed it, back when I was more active on the Forum.

    Anyway, thanks for reading, and have a lovely day!!
    Celestronach's Signature

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    3 Months ago
    Apr 16th, 2024 - 10:09 PM
    Nr. 14 #46724 1
    Quote by: @Celestronach

    It's been a long time since my last post! But just because I haven't been updating this doesn't mean I haven't been playing!
    I've been semi-active for quite a while now - trying to keep up my streak, keep my plants watered, and my Pixpets on Hoards.

    Hey Celestronach, glad to hear you're back and working on your dexes again! :D

    Recently, I've run out of slots for Pixpals (again)

    Oof, a lot of us are feeling this pain right now. @Cherche pleeeeease make pixpal slots cheaper ;A;

    Side note, does anyone know how to view all the posts you've made on the Forum?

    Yup it's super simple, here's how:

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    2. A dropdown menu should appear. Click the Userlist option.
    3. On the Userlist page, type a username into the search bar and click Search.
    4. Forum activity links are located below each username ("Show Posts | Show Topics").

    Hope that helps!
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    Nov 7th, 2023
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    3 Months ago
    Apr 17th, 2024 - 11:15 AM
    Nr. 15 #46725 1
    Thank you so much!!
    Celestronach's Signature

    Flower Game

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