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what video game are you playing? (67 Posts and 2114 Views)
Topic Tags: video, game, video game, discussion, question

Feb 16th, 2023
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1 Year ago
Feb 26th, 2023 - 3:40 AM
Nr. 61 #45794 1
originally i was playing pokemon scarlet, dropped out after finishing it in 2 days and i really need to get back to finishing the dex but alas. laziness.
but now im bouncing between dragonsky, the battle cats (both mobile games) and some minecraft modded playthroughs on the side. one of which is a modpack where you play as a dragon, and the other is a pixelmon playthrough which ive been neglecting but. its surely there

Mar 24th, 2023
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1 Year ago
Mar 24th, 2023 - 4:35 PM
Nr. 62 #45865
Hey, I can totally relate to being lazy when it comes to finishing games. I tend to get stuck on one game for ages before moving on to the next. But hey, at least you're enjoying a variety of games right now! Have you tried Albion Online? It's a pretty addictive game, and I've been playing it nonstop lately. Also, I recently stumbled upon an article on how to make some extra cash by playing games from the comfort of your own couch. Check it out. It might be worth a shot! The article is called How to get $100 right now [spam link removed by moderator] by playing games.

Mar 31st, 2019
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1 Year ago
Aug 2nd, 2023 - 7:58 AM
Nr. 63 #46107 1
I'm currently playing Dark Souls remastered. This is the first game I've had that has dire operation features, so it is pretty neat. I like the scenery too.
Bethesda makes mostly great games, Elder Scrolls and Fallout are neat. Setting and execution of it pulls me in.
ruthlesskittens's Signature

Apr 6th, 2022
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1 Year ago
Jan 17th, 2024 - 12:52 PM
Nr. 64 #46554 1
Hmmmm im playing pokemon unite frienddd meeeeee
Name Rowchio
And just that -_-
Kat-kit-paw's Signature

Feb 5th, 2024
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1 Year ago
Feb 6th, 2024 - 3:37 AM
Nr. 65 #46615 1
I've been playing Core Keeper and Rain World a lot lately

Aug 29th, 2024
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22 Days ago
Jan 22nd, 2025 - 10:19 AM
Nr. 66 #47082 1
There's a relatively new PC game - "Yaoling: The Mythical Journey" (on Steam), kind of a cross-breed between Pokemon and auto-battler, and I've spent two weekend playing it.
So you basically run around to prevent global something, blah-blah-blah, with your team of monsters, fighting other monsters (capturable), other tamers, demon envoys, demons and Big Bad Demons.
You don't contol the fight directly, the monsters are smacking-frying-bolting-shooting at the other team by themselves in real time, you just could throw in a spell or a few to help. Winning gives xp and some loot.
Each monster has a set of attributes (independent of his species), quality rating (normal-elite-recolor-shiny), signature ability and up to 4 perks with their own ranks, and hunting for a good all aroud pet might take a lot of time. LOTS.
Ofc there's two evolutions at set levels for most of creatures, first one is "upgrade" but second is more drastical since there's a "native" path and "demonic" path for 2nd evo, where "demonic" form requires some specific resource but gives a new skill instead of old.
You have a settlement which you should build up, upgrade and use for resources, training, breeding etc.
The difficulty seems meh at the beginning, then some demons could defeat you, then some trainers are getting a nice teams and wipe you out, then you find a way to enhance the enemies for better loot... nicely done for anyone. You could grind up in some levels and just steamroll the foe that was looking unbeatable. Sometimes your defeat is a bad positioning, or poor team, or plain bad luck, always experiment and you'll be ok (tho first encounter with first true boss is still smacks).
The game design and especially monsters are done quite well and pretty far from Pokemons (btw Palworld are walking on the thin ice there I'd say).
Since there's no fancy 3D and the game uses 2D Unity, it could run on older PCs without any problems. Oh, and I should add there wasn't any crash or hang up since I've started playing.
The devs are releasing new content - not that often, but they do. Sadly, there's not much info about strategies etc, low players count and (lets admit it) poor marketing. Wiki is Fandom-based (ugh, yuck), but some wise people are trying to make it on wiki.gg (tons better).
In conclusion, I wholeheartly recommend it to try.
UPD: Forgot to say than the local codex includes like 300 species, and the number keeps on growing. Even if we'll count out evolutions, 100+ unique monsters is quite respectable.

Aug 29th, 2024
Posts: 21
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Pixdex: 101
7 Days ago
Feb 6th, 2025 - 7:56 PM
Nr. 67 #47093 1
I'm pretty sure many of us are/was playing The Sims 4, so it might be interesting: there's an event going there witha simple questline and unlockable rewards - mostly decorative, but getting something from EA for free..?!
Anyway, if you have The Sims 4 I'd ddefinitely suggest you to do that questline, it'd take an hour or even less for this week (first part out of four) and then come back three times for the next chapters. Cheers!
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