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Nov 21st, 2022
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1 Year ago
Nov 28th, 2022 - 4:50 PM
Nr. 1 #45579
Current Searches:
***NOTE: I'm using this topic for all of my searches that I will have, so I'll make sure to keep it updated with what I am CURRENTLY looking for.***

Decorative Items

Plants/Plant Seeds

Pumpkins/Pumpkin Seeds


Pixpet Eggs*
Vivid Drax Egg

Pixinyte Crystals*

Adventure Egg Potion

*Note: I do realize that neither eggs or crystals are available to be traded, but if you add any eggs/crystals that I'm searching for to the market, comment below or send me a PM letting me know that you've added them, and I will most likely make a bid.
Vicktorious09's Signature

Nov 21st, 2022
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1 Year ago
Dec 22nd, 2022 - 2:59 PM
Nr. 2 #45612
Vicktorious09's Signature

Aug 25th, 2019
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1 Year ago
Dec 30th, 2022 - 9:02 AM
Nr. 3 #45643
Hi! What kind of OC are we talking about here? Furry, human, feral, etc?
KingSpinosaurus's Signature
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Nov 21st, 2022
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1 Year ago
Dec 30th, 2022 - 3:37 PM
Nr. 4 #45644
@KingSpinosaurus, my OC is kind of a mix between furry/feral, it's a purple and black wolf with a few humanoid characteristics, such as the eyes.
Vicktorious09's Signature

Nov 21st, 2022
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1 Year ago
Dec 31st, 2022 - 4:31 AM
Nr. 5 #45645
Information for anyone interested in art commissions for my OC!!

If you have any questions, would like additional information, or are interested in commissioning, let me know!!
Vicktorious09's Signature

Aug 25th, 2019
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1 Year ago
Jan 2nd, 2023 - 12:19 AM
Nr. 6 #45646
Sorry for the late reply, it's close to exam period here so I'm mostly studying ^^'
Here are some art examples in traditional medium and feel free to name your own price!
Semi realistic pet portraits
I also have a digital example here. I think Imgur ate up the pixels on it, but it's the same style just in digital medium, plus a photography I took years ago for background.

I'd also like to add that, having exams starting in just a bit and ending in February, it may take a bit for me to finish the piece, but I'll only take payment after I finish the piece due to this exactly :)
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Nov 21st, 2022
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1 Year ago
Jan 2nd, 2023 - 3:36 AM
Nr. 7 #45647
@KingSpinosaurus, tysm!
I'd love to have work done by you, and if you need any more information, just let me know! Feel free to take as long as you need, with finals coming up I don't want to be the cause of any stress. :)
Vicktorious09's Signature

Aug 25th, 2019
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1 Year ago
Jan 11th, 2023 - 10:47 AM
Nr. 8 #45649
Hello again! I may be able to sketch some bases for you to choose from in the upcoming days, but I'd also like to clarify how does the colour scheme go on your OC? I mean on which portion does which colour fall on?
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Nov 21st, 2022
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1 Year ago
Jan 12th, 2023 - 4:28 AM
Nr. 9 #45651
Apologies for the late reply!

For the wolf: The base color for the fur is shades of gray. However, on the areas that would be white/lighter shades on a regular wolf, these are purple. Lol I'm really bad at explaining this...basically the highlights on the fur are purple instead of white. And then the wings are just white/really light gray.

For the fairy: the center "ball" is a color that's kind of a mix between light purple and teal, and it glows in the center. The wings are translucent, but have a small light blue tinge to them.

There's not much else to the color scheme, the flowers and plants can be any colors, and the only thing else that I can think of is that the fairy kind of leaves a little trail of sparkles/dust behind her, and those would be the same color as the center of the fairy

Here's some pictures/drawings I found online that kind of give an idea of what i'm looking for. Credit goes to the original artists.
Vicktorious09's Signature

Nov 21st, 2022
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1 Year ago
Jan 23rd, 2023 - 5:00 AM
Nr. 10 #45678
Vicktorious09's Signature

Aug 25th, 2019
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1 Year ago
Feb 6th, 2023 - 2:02 PM
Nr. 11 #45709
I'm not done with my exams but I am over the biggest bump of the session and realized you haven't told me whenever you'd like a headshot piece or a full body. And I'd like to send you a colour manipulated image of the drawing to determine if I'm adding the colours right. Should I post it in this thread once I have the piece base done?
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Nov 21st, 2022
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1 Year ago
Feb 6th, 2023 - 4:38 PM
Nr. 12 #45711
Full body would be preferable. :)
And yes, you can either post it in this thread or PM me the image once you're finished with it.
Thank you!
Vicktorious09's Signature

Aug 25th, 2019
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1 Year ago
Feb 6th, 2023 - 5:35 PM
Nr. 13 #45712
I've made a sketch as an idea, but the final version of the sketch will have details, re-centering and will be on thicker paper overall for visual quality. However if you'd like another version, let me know! Pic in the spoiler. Also I can't tell if Imgur ate pixels or if my internet is super bad so let me know ^^'
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Nov 21st, 2022
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1 Year ago
Feb 6th, 2023 - 6:45 PM
Nr. 14 #45713
@KingSpinosaurus, looks really good! Feel free to send me any more rough drafts if you want an opinion on the coloring. Looking forward to final product; good luck on your exams!
Vicktorious09's Signature

Aug 25th, 2019
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1 Year ago
Feb 20th, 2023 - 5:37 PM
Nr. 15 #45762
Let me know if the colour mapping is correct! I just took a pic of the piece and put very very light hues from your ref over it. I'll try to match the colours in traditional medium with the ones provided in the ref once I've finished lineart rendering. I also thought to add a breeze of leaves around them as from the flight, hope that's ok! :D

I went with darker purple for where the whiter fur would be on a wolf, but let me know if the lighter purple should go where the whiter fur would be!
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Nov 21st, 2022
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1 Year ago
Feb 20th, 2023 - 6:00 PM
Nr. 16 #45763
@KingSpinosaurus, tysm, it looks so good! The coloring looks great, and I rly like the leaves, it's a good touch! The only thing I'd ask (if it's not too much trouble) is that the eyes be made a little bit smaller? Other than that, though i like everything! Ty!
Vicktorious09's Signature

Aug 25th, 2019
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1 Year ago
Feb 20th, 2023 - 6:42 PM
Nr. 17 #45764
Sure thing, I'll see how I can edit the eyes in the final result to make them smaller :D I can probably also do so a bit by thickening the lineart around them if that sounds good to you.
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Nov 21st, 2022
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1 Year ago
Feb 20th, 2023 - 8:23 PM
Nr. 18 #45765
@KingSpinosaurus, that would be great, ty!
Vicktorious09's Signature

Aug 25th, 2019
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1 Year ago
Feb 26th, 2023 - 6:37 PM
Nr. 19 #45795
I forgot to ask what colour should the pawpads, nails and eyes be?
KingSpinosaurus's Signature
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Nov 21st, 2022
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1 Year ago
Feb 26th, 2023 - 7:34 PM
Nr. 20 #45796
@King Spinosaurus, the pawpads should be a dark gray, the nails should be a kind of greyish/tanish color (basically the color that a real wolf's nails would be), and the eyes should be a vibrant purple (it'd be cool if there were some little gold flecks in the eyes, but if the eyes are too small then you don't have to add that) :)
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