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EventIdea for promoting the site...? (4 Posts and 48 Views)

Nov 21st, 2022
Posts: 37
Pixpets: 49
Pixdex: 18
1 Year ago
Mar 30th, 2023 - 4:05 AM
Nr. 1 #45895 1
Hello my fellow Pixpet users! Pixpeteers? Pixpetians? Idk, but welcome all!

So just today I was browsing around the site, mainly looking at posts in the gallery. And omg there's a LOT of good artists here! So I was just looking around, glancing at random pictures and whatnot, and later added a drawing of mine blah blah blah just get on with the story, Vicktorious! I PROMISE I'M GETTING THERE JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE!

So just a few minutes ago (I mean that quite literally), I was giving my art a once-over, and I noticed that the white outline that I had surrounded my pixpet hybrid with made the image look a lot like a...sticker?


So have y'all heard of the site Redbubble? If not, it's a website where you can make your own artwork, logo, whatever, and then put that design on basically any sort of merch...t-shirts, coffee mugs, mouse pads, and...stickers!

So here's what I'm thinking:

What if the administrators (subtly looks over towards @Cherche) make either a design competition, OR some sort of thread in the forum, where artists on the site can make designs of Pixpets, or pretty anything Pixpet-related. Then, someone like Cherche or Komodo (essentially just someone in high power) could make an account on Redbubble or some similar website, where they could use the site artists's work to make Pixpet merch!

Obviously the artists would probably be consoled in some way, credit would be made where it's due, and if the administrators would end up doing a design contest, there would probably be prizes for the winners and whatnot.

But I think this could be a good way for a) the site to make some extra $$, b) helping promote the site so more people can know about it and use it, c) the artists using Pixpet to help promote their artwork some more, and d) us Pixpet users and fanatics to finally get some long-awaited merchandise!!!!!!!




Though honestly someone's probably thought of this before, there are definitely some flaws in the plan, such as:

1) Since there aren't a TON of users on the site (and a good chunk of them are inactive), there might not actually be that much money made from selling the potential merch.
2) I literally had several more flaws just a few minutes ago, but they have all left my brain. Oh well.

Anyway, I know that everybody's busy, but this is just a thought...(you should totally do it though. VICKTORIOUS WANTS HER CANISQUA STICKERS!)

Anyway byeeeeeeeeeee
Vicktorious the absolute super-genius
Vicktorious09's Signature

Nov 21st, 2022
Posts: 37
Pixpets: 49
Pixdex: 18
1 Year ago
Mar 30th, 2023 - 4:09 AM
Nr. 2 #45896 1
Also if no one makes a t-shirt with Cherche's dog on it THERE WILL BE WAR!
Vicktorious09's Signature

Sep 26th, 2018
Posts: 422
Pixpets: 262
Pixdex: 60
1 Year ago
Apr 1st, 2023 - 7:20 PM
Nr. 3 #45900 2
Thank you super genius Vic for the idea. I'll have a look at redbubble when there's time. At the moment been kicking up a new thing for pixpet while working on getting the overdue shop feature up.

There is potential in this idea mabbe a lil further down the line when we got abit more traction :D

Nov 21st, 2022
Posts: 37
Pixpets: 49
Pixdex: 18
1 Year ago
Apr 2nd, 2023 - 4:32 AM
Nr. 4 #45907
Thank you fellow super genius @Cherche!

I do hope that sometime this can be a potential option in the future, but obviously it will probably be a while due to just the general running of the site, plus the whole thing would take a while to organize anyway. I'd also like to point out that there are obviously many, many other websites that can be used to sell this, I just recommended Redbubble b/c it's one that I've personally used more than others, and they are good with the whole selling stickers thing, whereas most other custom merch websites usually will only sell clothing items or coffee mugs.

Anyway, thanks for the consideration!
Vicktorious09's Signature
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