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Let's Get to Know Each Other! [Introduction Thread] (335 Posts and 4513 Views) (Sticky)
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Dec 24th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 24th, 2018 - 3:03 PM
Nr. 121 #1945
I'm another veteran from DragonAdopters and its forum... I roleplayed too much there, and I'm not sure if I should begin all this again (I can get addicted really quickly!) Now I have too much to handle to get that much free time.
I also love virtual pets, dragons in general, reading and writing. Forgive my english, it's not my first language. As some here, I also draw by hobby.
Merry Xmas Eve to everyone!
Kyrion's Signature
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Aug 18th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 24th, 2018 - 3:24 PM
Nr. 122 #1947
I'm Naty! This game looks nice so far and I hope we can build a strong and nice community on here ^^ I like Pokemon, Steven Universe, Voltron... I also play Flight Rising, feel free to add me there!
I'm an artist, my dA is in the signature if you'd like to check it out owo

Anyway, happy holidays everyone!
Jufnaty's Signature

Dec 24th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 24th, 2018 - 4:53 PM
Nr. 123 #1971
Hi! I'm Maple. I found out about this game through Flight Rising (I'm MaplesHaiku on there), and I just joined. I only have one pet right now, but hopefully I can get more! ^^ I joined this game because it seemed pretty interesting. I like to draw and play video games, so yeah. That's all you need to know about me~
Maple's Signature

Dec 24th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 24th, 2018 - 5:34 PM
Nr. 124 #1979
Hello- I'm Kandy. I recently joined today due to Flight Rising (I go by JuiceLord on there), and I can say I'm already really liking it here. I can already tell I'm probably going to spend quite a bit of times of the forums. I enjoy a reading, video games, draw, and writing. I also have a cat who I basically worship and like a variety of animals- my favorites being foxes and dragons. So, uh, yeah- that's it. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!
Early Adopter

Aug 4th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 24th, 2018 - 5:43 PM
Nr. 125 #1980
Hi! I’m Karssia!

I was a DragonAdopters player too, and I really liked it, so I was very happy to discover this new game and decided to pre register.

About me... I’m from Spain and I like video games, movies and music. I used to read a lot but I don’t have much time for it anymore. I love all animals, although I’m scared of most insects.
I have a dog, he’s a Shiba Inu named Kenjiro, he gets into trouble very easily, but I love him a lot.
I’m a big fan of Pokémon, Warrior Cats, Jurassic Park and Star Wars.

Well, that would be everything for now, so nice to meet you all!
I’m looking forward to getting to know everyone here!
Karssia's Signature

Nov 5th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 24th, 2018 - 7:23 PM
Nr. 126 #1995 1
Hey there! Name's WolfDragonPlasma, but since that's a mouthful, please feel free to call me Dragon or Plasma XD I'm also a fellow DragonAdopters veteran, as well as the proud owner of a Dark Dragon Plush from that era XD

Though I have gotten better at it over the past few years, I'm still a rather shy and awkward noodle when it comes to socialization, so you may or may not see me in the forums too often.
WolfDragonPlasma's Signature

Dec 23rd, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 24th, 2018 - 8:51 PM
Nr. 127 #2009
Hey all! I’m Sono. I do a little bit of everything but right now I’m a career illustrator and crafter. I’m mostly looking just for a fun place to hang out and play this fun little game. Nice to meet everyone!
Sono's Signature
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Dec 24th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 24th, 2018 - 9:28 PM
Nr. 128 #2015
Hey howdy hey!

I'm Q! Not totally sure what I'm doing here, but I'll do my best :O

I'm active on Flight Rising currently, under the same username. I like to draw, write, and embroider patches for my jacket in my spare time. I play a ton of Nintendo and D&D, and I'm working on making a fursuit head of my dumb dinosaur 'sona.

I'm mostly a lurker ^^; Hopefully I'll get my act together here!

Dec 24th, 2018
Posts: 3
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Pixdex: 1
5 Years ago
Dec 25th, 2018 - 12:03 AM
Nr. 129 #2056
holla holla

i'm mae! found this game through flight rising, my un there is also seviper and i'm very active there.

i like to draw and write despite not being too good at either. my favorite animals are felines and reptiles and my favorite colors are warm colors.

i love video games, especially nintendo games and rpgs. my all time favorite is the mother/earthbound trilogy but i'm also very fond of pokemon and lisa: the painful. i hope to make new friends here!
seviper's Signature

Dec 25th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 25th, 2018 - 9:32 PM
Nr. 130 #2150
Hey there! ClockworkEclipse here, but Clocks or Eclipse is fine too. Hobby artist, college student, and so glad to be on break! I'm a little bit of a weeb (when I have the time), and I happen to enjoy quite a few videogames (Stardew Valley, LoZ series, Pokemon Diamond Version onward to name a few).

Lover of pets both big and small (got a few puppies who wanted to eat the Christmas tree this year in fact), and I'm quite active on Flight Rising (where I'm also ClockworkEclipse). Trying to get into a D&D group (as I'm new to the scene of actually playing but old when it comes to the funny stories of campaigns), and I'm glad I could join the site so early. Nice to meet you all!
ClockworkEclipse's Signature

Flight Rising: ClockworkEclipse
Tales of Ostlea: ClockworkEclipse

Dec 24th, 2018
Posts: 9
Pixpets: 4
Pixdex: 2
5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 12:36 AM
Nr. 131 #2192
Hey i’m Brimstone :)
I was a moderator on dragonadopters and heard about this site so I had to try it out. I love gaming and socialising. I hope to create many memories on here!
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Jan 15th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 2:04 AM
Nr. 132 #2206
Quote by: @Brimstone
Hey i’m Brimstone :)
I was a moderator on dragonadopters and heard about this site so I had to try it out. I love gaming and socialising. I hope to create many memories on here!

Nice to see that even old DrA Moderators find their way in here
Hope you (and not only you, but everyone here) will enjoy this game as much - or maybe even more - than they enjoyed Dragonadopters!
Takkju's Signature
No, you are not allowed to do this! And no, don't even ask me if you are allowed to do this!


Dec 21st, 2018
Posts: 6
Pixpets: 2
Pixdex: 2
5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 2:07 AM
Nr. 133 #2207
Hello, I am Werewolf and I'm a frequenter of pet sites so I'm giving this one a go! Otherwise I'm an artist and vet tech student that sinks a lot of time into my RPG habit. I also like non-fiction reading, documentary binging, history, tea, and trying weird sodas.

Dec 24th, 2018
Posts: 9
Pixpets: 4
Pixdex: 2
5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 2:30 AM
Nr. 134 #2209
Quote by: @Takkju
Quote by: @Brimstone
Hey i’m Brimstone :)
I was a moderator on dragonadopters and heard about this site so I had to try it out. I love gaming and socialising. I hope to create many memories on here!

Nice to see that even old DrA Moderators find their way in here
Hope you (and not only you, but everyone here) will enjoy this game as much - or maybe even more - than they enjoyed Dragonadopters!

Thank you! I’m already enjoying this game and it’s many features :)

Dec 26th, 2018
Posts: 3
Pixpets: 4
Pixdex: 2
5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 10:57 AM
Nr. 135 #2242
Hello, I'm gryph and I also found this site through FR xD
Gryphon's Signature


Dec 24th, 2018
Posts: 3
Pixpets: 2
Pixdex: 2
5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 1:29 PM
Nr. 136 #2250
I’m Skyleaf! I came here from Flight Rising (on which I am also Skyleaf, I am quite active there) and I thought this looked cute, so here I am! I like to draw and I just generally like dragons XD
I am not a native English speaker, so I might make some mistakes here and there. I am Dutch!
Skyleaf's Signature

Oct 7th, 2018
Posts: 11
Pixpets: 7
Pixdex: 5
5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 5:01 PM
Nr. 137 #2284
I didn't saw this thread, I'm Arial or you can call me Manon. I'm a 21 years old student in computer science degree. I was a member of DragonAdopters and I heard about Pixpet from there and decided to join! I'm kinda shy but I will do my best to post as often as I can! Forgive me if I make some mistakes I'm French so my English may not be perfect. :3

I mostly spend my free time playing video games, watching anime, reading manga, playing guitar, drawing, coding, reading books and writing. I also enjoy doing some graphic stuff. And study of course, when I don't procrastinate!
Arial's Signature


arial • 21 • she/her • france (CET)

Dec 26th, 2018
Posts: 4
Pixpets: 53
Pixdex: 42
5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 8:22 PM
Nr. 138 #2315
Hey! I saw someone talking about this game on Flight Rising, and it sounded really neat!

My name is Pan. I'm a really big fan of games like Splatoon & Pokemon. I also draw occasionally.

This game looks really fun, & im excited to see more of it!
Pan's Signature

Dec 24th, 2018
Posts: 2
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Pixdex: 2
5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 10:44 PM
Nr. 139 #2349
Hello - I'm here from Flight Rising too. I'm also on Lioden, but not as active over there.

I love breeding/hatching games and video games in general. Eager to learn the ropes here :)

Dec 24th, 2018
Posts: 12
Pixpets: 143
Pixdex: 43
5 Years ago
Dec 26th, 2018 - 10:59 PM
Nr. 140 #2351
Hiya! Like a lot of people I'm here from Flight Rising, I'm Bluekea over there and I'm very active.
I love drawing (mostly digital) and jazz music and my favourite video game that I keep returning to is Skyrim.
I'm very shy but I'm planning on trying to post here more
Orion's Signature
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