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Jaxiimo's Pixpet Gallery
some older art I dug up and cleaned up/updated. can't remember why I originally made these. or why i picked these pixpets in particular. but anyways have a pic of some human/pixpet versions of my pydeer, Lasyla, and my vivid canisaqua, *checks notes* Lievicari, who I apparently evolved into a luputrix some time after I drew this. whoops. well this could be the other canisaqua who i haven't hatched yet or lievicari when she was young, i suppose, lol. hm. maybe i should do one of luputrix next.

Tags: pydeer, vivid canisaqua, human
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Category: General Pixpet Artwork
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Uploaded: 1 Year ago
Apr 3rd, 2023 - 8:50 AM
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hum's (1 Comment)

Aug 11th, 2019
Posts: 54
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1 Year ago
Apr 3rd, 2023 - 9:46 PM
Nr. 1 #2065
I love these designs!! Your art looks wonderful :D
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