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Jan 25th, 2019
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5 Years ago
Jun 25th, 2019 - 5:07 PM
Nr. 1 #22762
Beta Round
I will rng a number from 1-30! All you have to do is to try guess it! And this week’s winner prize is Colour Reroll Bar.

NEW! Tiers!!

This is currently also a beta feature. I will choose another number that is 1-30, which is not the original chosen number. If someone managed to guess the tier number, the tier will be unlocked!

There are 2 ways the tier can be unlocked, the first way is to guess the tier number, the second is the number of people participating. This time, if 5 unique people participate, I will unlock the tier! Please note that, there's still only 1 chance for you to guess for the prize or the tier.

Player 1: 17!
Owner: Tier is now unlocked! The winner who manages to get the original number will also recieve the tier prize!

The person who unlocks the tier will also get another prize (which is better since they helped unlock the tier)
I'm not entirely sure if this would work...

An insight of next weeks’ prizes?

Other prizes may include:
-10 giant clovers
-10 Voxels
-SP Ingredients you can choose, (Honeystone, Croco Orb, Mineral Lick, Amber, Pertified Coconut, Feli Crystal)
-Decorative Items!
-G.100 Potion Ingredients

And a lot more, ranging from decors to plant products most commonly.

The better gifts you get, will be because the number you guessed is close to the rng-ed number!

-Only guess once each round
-Do not double guess an answer, EG (player 1: 10, player 2: 10) that is not allowed. Both of them will not get prizes.

Please note that this is still in Beta mode! You are allowed to give feedback to the giveaway!


Heya there! I have a lot of items, I’m one of the biggest giveaway senders for discord lol. I once even sent an Albino Noolong Evobar there!

I’ve got some package deal here, you can actually request them separately but sure.

Cyan Package:
-Cyan Plain Carpet, Bookstack and Bookshelf

-Grey, Green and Cyan Hexabrick

-Aqua Borderless Glass Designer Table
icearashi's Signature
Last edited by icearashi, Oct 19th, 2019 - 3:20 PM
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