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Apr 6th, 2018
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3 Months ago
Jun 1st, 2024 - 9:04 AM
Nr. 1 #46771 7

That's right, we're having another pixpal shadow contest!

How to Participate:
1. Use one of the shadows below to create a new pixpal! (You may draw inside the shadow using an art program of your choice!) If you're not able to draw, you may describe your design -- but please be as clear and detailed as possible. If you'd like to make a non-pixel version of a shadow, you may trace the shadow. You may also resize the shadow as you see fit.

2. Submit your design(s) in this thread! You may submit more than one design, but you'll only be awarded for one if you win.

The Shadows!

Rules & Guidelines:
1. All registered users may enter, except judges.

2. With the exception of the shadow itself, designs must be drawn by you (no AI assistance, clipart, stock images, etc.) and should not contain any copyrighted material.

3. Submissions should also follow our site's general rules for appropriate content.

4. You don't have to be good at art; your idea is what matters to us!

5. Your design doesn't necessarily have to be colored, but it would certainly stand out more if it was! (And the more color variations, the better since pixpals come in 3 to 6 variations!)

1st place:
225 PPT
20,000 PC
Gold Contest Badge
Your Winning Pixpal x3 (upon release)

2nd Place:
100 PPT
10,000 PC
Silver Contest Badge
Your Winning Pixpal x2 (upon release)

3rd Place:
50 PPT
5,000 PC
Bronze Contest Badge
Your Winning Pixpal x1 (upon release)

All Participants:
+10 Pixpal Inventory Slots*
(*if inventory isn't already fully expanded)

Contest Start/End Date:
This contest starts on June 1 and runs until June 15, 11:59 PM (PDT). We may extend the contest if needed. Judging begins as soon as the contest ends, and may take up to 2 weeks. Currently no date is planned for when the winners will be announced.

Entrant Agreement:
By participating in the contest, you understand that if you win, your design will become the property of Pixpet.net. You also understand that you will not receive monetary compensation for submitting or winning.

Good luck everyone! We can't wait to see what you come up with!

BK47's Signature
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avatar art by PauMol   |   custom bars by Wayvern
Last edited by BK47, Jun 2nd, 2024 - 9:01 AM
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