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Aug 25th, 2019
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3 Months ago
Jun 16th, 2024 - 7:37 AM
Nr. 20 #46804 3
Last moment submission but.

Luckats: It is said the jade bead brings fortune to both the pixpal and the house. Most of these pets are covered in luxurious patters, like the foliage of a rich garden, the glimmer of gold, the lines of marble (not illustrated here sorry XD). It is said that dropping the bead brings bad luck and that a shatter of it is so disastrous the pixpal turns white in an instant.
Wasn’t brilliant here, but it’s basically a gold shiny one, one covered in leaf patters and one looking shocked at their bead.

Skyfish: Adorned with constellations like Pisces, covered in moving auroras or depicting black holes or other secrets of the deep cosmos, it is said these fish came from outer space. Those with incomplete constellations on them will look for a pair that completes the design. When upset, these fish start looking like a cloudy sky. You can’t make out an actual eye, but you just feel the dark or luminous spot on their head can sense you perfectly.
Made after half of the Pisces constellation, aurora and the black hole images. Maybe a cloudy sky variant would work too.

Cordipiges: Whenever you find a ring of mushrooms(/fairy ring), you can actually find one of these little guys, just ready to hatch. We’re not sure if they're more plant or animal, but they sure represent some interesting mushrooms.
Made after Amanita, Inky Cap, Bleeding Tooth Fungus and Purple Cordyceps.

Aaaand that’s it, I wanted to design more, but had little time for it lol
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Last edited by KingSpinosaurus, Jun 16th, 2024 - 2:17 PM
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