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Dec 25th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Feb 25th, 2019 - 4:47 PM
Nr. 14 #10979
@VampVixen You're kind of proving the point of the issue by trying to emphasize that things are just as difficult for you. Where exactly are people supposed to get the resources to fill their houses with nice decor if the hoards they're sending their pets on aren't coming up with anything good? I rarely if ever get deco items and even when I do they're not good. Part of this is because it just happens that most of the pets I like the most have colors that don't have much good furniture for them, another point of imbalance in my opinion.

In order to save up for decorative items without just paying real money it would take ages to have enough to have max SLVL. Auctions are no help because almost nobody has time to babysit an auction for hours at a time, or has the means to plan to be online exactly 10 minutes before it ends and then have to watch it as they get outbid indefinitely for the next hour while the timer gets reset every single bid. I've had my own auctions I've hosted go on for up to two hours after it reached the 10 minute mark just from people trying to snipe each other. I don't have that kind of time, so I don't ever get to win auctions, so all the items I buy have to be found through people's user shops. Which are usually overpriced.

At the end of the day, all of this is a lot of hoops to jump through and takes a really really long time for not much gain, which is what drives away more casual players who can't (or don't want to) spend money on the site. There isn't much of a hook to keep players around besides plants, which outside of pumpkins ALSO take a really long time to get anything out of them, but you're forced to keep coming back just to be reminded of how long its taking every 10-16 hours.

I've said this before in a different thread but, I know the site is new so its not as if to say this entire site sucks or something. The structure IS really fun and the art and gameplay is more unique than average pet sites which is why I'm still here. But the site isn't very active and I'm not entirely sure I'm going to stick around much longer either if things don't change because it really just isn't worth it right now.
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= Shepard / 23 =

Last edited by shepard, Feb 25th, 2019 - 4:50 PM
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