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Feb 21st, 2019
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5 Years ago
Mar 14th, 2019 - 6:02 PM
Nr. 2 #13196
@Kyrie I've been meaning to reply to this, I even followed it. I kept getting distracted.

Currently watching/recently watched and thoughts?
I currently have a subscription to Crunchyroll. I've been watching That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime and Mob Psycho 100 season 2. I recently watched Cardcaptor Sakura.

Slime is pretty good, but far from spectacular animation-wise. The characters are endearing, but everything seems too easy for the protagonist after a while. Mob Psycho is fantastic. The fight sequences are just great. I love Mob and his mentor is a great character, too. If I had the $$$, I'd be buying its manga.

I watched all of Cardcaptor Sakura a couple of months ago. The animation in some of the early episodes is wonderful. I wanted to see what Cardcaptor was like since I had only seen a couple of episodes of the English dub when I was young. I was not disappointed. It's one of those anime that's really heartwarming and makes you care so much about the characters.

All time favourites?
The Ancient Magus' Bride, no contest. The first cour (season) of the anime makes it an instant classic. The manga is even better than the anime. If you like fantasy/magic at all, do yourself a favor and read it. Kore Yamazaki is a beast and knows what she's doing. It's one of the two manga I have to absolutely buy to keep up with.

Who's your waifu? husbando?
Elias Ainsworth.

Looking for recommendations?
Not really. I have too much to keep up with already.

Controversial anime opinions?
I have no interest in My Hero Academia or Attack on Titan. lol I strongly dislike the art style of One Piece. Wow, I didn't realize I was controversial.

Oh, and the Pokémon anime is about the worst possible anime adaptation of that franchise. I hate it so much. I can't think of a worse anime. And they were handed imo some of the best source material ever.

Manga you wish were made into an anime?
The Girl From the Other Side: Siúil, A Rún. The Girl From the Other Side and Magus are the two manga I must own in physical copies ASAP.

From an art and story standpoint, The Girl From the Other Side is probably better than Magus. The Girl deserves a couple of carefully-animated movies, although I know that will never happen. But it is getting a short OVA! I was very surprised; I never thought I'd see that series animated at all.
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