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5 Years ago
Dec 23rd, 2018 - 1:55 AM
Nr. 98 #1667
Quote by: @BabyCharmander
Quote by: @Ganymede
I saw someone say that when you move houses, any plants that are in pots are destroyed. Is that true? If so, I think that's something that should be fixed. It takes a long time to grow plants, and especially if you're growing some valuable high-quality seeds, it just leads to being a deterrent from moving. In real life, I certainly wouldn't throw away my potted plants moving from one house to another. I would love to see Pixpet potted plants be transferable to a new house as well!

I think the issue is that you have to remove all items from your house when you move, and you can't remove pots unless you destroy the plant inside. So you just have to wait for the plant to finish growing before you move.

But even if the plant has finished growing, it still keeps producing fruits over time. I assume removing a pot with a fully grown plant still destroys it, correct? Would still be a pain to deal with, especially if you're at a late-game state where you have lots of plants that you've been nurturing.
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