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Jan 25th, 2019
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4 Years ago
May 1st, 2019 - 10:43 AM
Nr. 90 #18466
Game Hekp: (part 4)

Plant and pumpkin slots can be fertilized with Fertilizer before a seed is planted. Fertilizer is found by pixpets on their hoards.

Plant and pumpkin slots can be fertilized with a Fertilizer before a seed is planted. Fertilizers can be found by pixpets on their hoards.

Oh and just a mention here:
Plant and pumpkin products are mainly used as cooking ingredients. Pumpkins can also be turned into food pellets for Pixpets.

Maybe add that to the end “turned into food pellets for pixpets to give them food to send them on hoard” or something, it seems something is missing.

(Part 6)

Anytime you bid for an item, the bid will be taken from you temporarily and the previous bidder gets his bid back.

Anytime you bid for an item, the bid (pc) will be taken from you temporarily and the previous bidder gets his or her bid back.
(or just simply “their bid back”

Too little food to send on hoard:
You don't have enough pixpet food.

You don’t have enough food pellets to send your pet on hoard.

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Is the - intended?
icearashi's Signature
Last edited by icearashi, May 1st, 2019 - 10:55 AM
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