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Dec 5th, 2017
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4 Years ago
Jul 20th, 2019 - 9:18 PM
Nr. 12 #24564
Quote by: @lennongrad
Although I am excited to the see the designs that result from this contest, I'm slightly worried about some of the implications of it. Although this article refers to copyright law in the U.S., it does mention principles that might be extended to the similar laws of Switzerland, and the lack of any legal text in the announcement post (which are referenced in the Promotions segment of the Terms and Conditions) means that it doesn't seem to explain how the exact transfer of copyright will occur from the creator of the design to the site. Additionally, some sites have brought up the possible ethical questions that may arrise from spec contests, none of which are addressed in this thread. If I were to participate I would need to hear more about exactly how my rights are being handled, especially given the lack of direct monetary compensation.

The contestant agrees (by entering the contest) that the final product is full property of the pixpet.net owner company. However, the species idea/design credit will be given out in the game. I will add this to the main post.
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