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Dec 5th, 2017
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4 Years ago
Jul 26th, 2019 - 8:45 PM
Nr. 1 #25016 15
The Cooking Stations just received a huge update!

Recipe Display

You can now Select recipes on the bottom of the cooking pages. Once selected, you have options to instantly fill in ingredients! The buttons Add Available Ingredients for Result (x1) and Add ALL Available Ingredients will search your inventory for compatible ingredients and add them. The algorithm will choose the ingredients with the highest grades. For recipes which use colored ingredients, you have a Color Select Box.

NEW: When a recipe is selected, only compatible ingredients will be shown in your inventory. This filter is applied above your other sorting filters.

Mass Cooking!

Yes this long requested feature is finally available!

You can add a multiple of the required ingredients now. The game will automatically try to make the maximum amount of the ingredients you provide. The cooking time multiplies with the amount of expected cooking results. If there are uneven numbers of ingredients, they will remain in your ingredient slots after the cooking process is finished. There is now also a button to remove all ingredients at once.

You will receive the cooking results one by one:
Aborting works the same as before.

Instant Cook Potion

The instant cook potion works the same as before. However, if you have multiple items to cook, it will only reduce the multiple results by one.

Happy Mass Cooking!
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