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Apr 13th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Aug 7th, 2019 - 6:25 AM
Nr. 316 #25965
My OC is whatever posture. I usually request sleeping or exhausted due to overworking posture. Doing something medical if the artist can do it. But feel free to do anything with him.
Here's a reference

Description: My OC is a pretty bulky in build Eastern dragon, covered in golden to brown scales. His hair colour resembles those of cherry blossom, covering his head in a messy pile as well as running down his back to the end of his tail. His eyes are dark blue like the night sky. He has a set of horns coming out on top of his head that suspiciously resembles tree branches. His fingers are tipped with sharp draconic claws while his feet are clawed dragon feet.

He can usually be seen wearing violet medical scrub shirt and pants with a labcoat on top of it. In casual, he would wear a hoodie with cargo pants.

Being a veterinary student, he's pretty much tired all the time due to the workload.
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Forever Sleepy
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