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Dec 1st, 2018
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4 Years ago
Sep 1st, 2019 - 5:27 PM
Nr. 1 #28005 4

September's Event - Mystery Capsule

Mystery Capsule ~ by Chicken_Raptor (Dimitri)

“Here’s your mail, Dimitri! How’s the Velibolt House doing?”
A small crash followed by excited shouting echoed from somewhere in the large house. I sighed and chuckled.
“Never a dull moment. Apogee has her claws full at the moment.”
“Sounds… exciting. Good luck with that! See you tomorrow!”
“Heh, thanks!” Click.
I set the large package he had handed me on the entry table, quickly slicing through the paper to reveal an ordinary-looking orange capsule.
“Strange,” I muttered. “None of the Pets have gone adventuring recently.” As I turned the capsule in my claws, a small envelope revealed itself to be taped hastily on the other side.

To: Dimitri the Chicken Raptor
Velibolt House
404 Voxel Blvd
Pixel City

Opening that revealed a hand-written letter, which I quickly read to myself:

Dear Dimitri,
Greetings, my small, feathered friend. How have you been? We must get together some time soon; perhaps you can show me how to operate this computer device, so we may communicate more quickly! I’ve heard people talking about a new “chat app”, I believe they called it. However, I cannot seem to find it, and this computer has nothing like the “app store” that is on my phone…
We shall discuss that later. Right now, you should have in your possession a very special orange capsule, one that I crafted myself! It contains your special gift, a token of my appreciation for helping to bring us together in our times of need. There are only two of these currently in existence, hand-crafted by our resident artist Mahu. You have the first, and I am holding on to the second. I am sure you will love them!
I have also attached the code needed to open—
Ah, I do apologize, but it appears I have misplaced the code again and I can’t recall it exactly. Oh dear, the courier is here to take the mail. I need your help, friend, it seems I’m in a sticky situation once more. I hope this isn’t too much of a bother!
Please Come Quickly!

“Apogee!” I called, already grabbing my scarf. “I’ll be over at Wayvern’s if you need me. She forgot her codes again!”
“But whyyy?” another voice called. “If you go, mom is going to make us do choooores!” A few other groans sorrowfully agreed to her lament.
“Then you do as your mother asks,” Apogee shot back, the velibolt rounding the corner to meet me. “When he gets back, we can go to the arcade, how does that sound?” A few cheers echoed forward.
“I’ll let Takkju know where you went,” she said.
“Thanks, you’re the best. Oh, and give him this capsule if you will please. I think I know what’s inside it, and if I’m right, he’ll want to have it when we open it.” With that, I was out the door and running down the street.

Welcome to this months Crack the Egg Code Event. For those of you who are new to these events, and a quick reminder to those who have done one before, the Crack the Egg Code Event is all about guessing the colour and gender of eggs which are placed in a special home which has been kitted out just for this purpose. Please make sure you read the "How to enter" section as this will give you information on how this event is run.


There are two prize pots for this months
Crack the Egg Code event

If you haven't already guessed, I have been busy with capsules again, putting items that you wouldn't normally find into empty capsules that are just lying around. This time I have done two capsules which contain the same item, one is now with Dimitri (Chicken_Raptor), while the other is currently in the Pixpetevent2 home waiting to be given out to a lucky winner!

What are in these capsules you may be asking? Well, maybe if you ask nicely Dimitri (@Chicken_Raptor) will put you out of your misery and open the capsule that he has and reveal the contents, maybe he'll keep you all waiting...

First Place

+ +
Albino Xeldron egg, Mystery Capsule
plus Crack the Egg Code badge

Second Place

Krash egg
plus Wayvern Plush

How to enter

A new entry form will be put up each day sometime between 6pm and 7pm GMT, and will remain open until around 6pm and 7pm GMT the next day.

Fill out the new entry form which is put up each day, entering your guesses for colour, and gender outcomes of the eggs which will be placed in the Pixpetevent2 home.

The eggs are then placed and hatched each day once the entry form has been closed.

You can choose to enter as many days as you wish, it’s entirely up to you, but the more days you enter the higher the chance you will have of winning points.

When filling out each form you may notice that each guess is worth a different amount of points. The most likely outcomes are worth only 1 point, while the least likely outcomes are worth the most points.

Points are all toted up at the end of the week.

How the winners will be chosen

Scenario 1
If there is only the one entry with the highest overall score, that entry will automatically win the first place prize pot.

If there is then only one entry with the second highest overall score, that entry will win the second place prize pot.

Scenario 2
If there is only the one entry with the highest overall score, that entry will automatically win the first place prize pot.

If there is more than one entry with the second highest overall score, those entries will be put into a randomiser to find second place winner.

Scenario 3
If there is more than one entry with the highest overall score, those entries will be put into a randomiser and winner and second place chosen.

Day 1 Results

Day 2 Results

Day 3 Results

Day 4 Results

Day 5 Results

Good Luck Everyone!
Remember, a new form is put up here
everyday between 6pm and 7pm GMT.
There are five forms in total

Do you want to make sure you don’t miss a day? Follow this topic and you will receive notifications each time this topic receives a new post. I will always make a new post when a new form is up, so this is the best way to receive reminders.
Wayvern's Signature

Last edited by Wayvern, Sep 6th, 2019 - 7:44 PM
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