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Jan 15th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Sep 18th, 2019 - 6:56 AM
Nr. 6 #28957
I guess I'm gonna make a very broad "always looking" post, and maybe occasionally edit with more specific whims I have at the moment? Because I'm never not looking for art of my babs, unless I'm out of funds, lol.

Status: Currently Looking!

Art Medium:
Mostly digital, but I love some good traditional art, mixed media, whatever too. When it comes to traditional art, I just ask that it's on clean, unlined paper and nicely scanned/photographed.

Desired Art Style:
Right now I'm very interested in clean lineart of my characters that I can color in myself for personal use. These can busts, half, or full bodies. More details in the "additional information".

I mostly have humanoid OCs, so I'm mainly looking for humanoid art, but I do have a some anthro/feral OCs and some weird inbetweeners (specifically an anthro sphinx thing) so anything goes in terms of species!

As for styles, anything goes! I'm interested in anything from bust sketches to fully rendered fullbodies, and anything in-between. I'm also real into pixel art and icons. Really, it all comes down to if I can "see" a character in your style!

Details & Specifications:
These kiddos are my active favorites at the moment:

Blake | Ichabod | Ilkin | Vince | Viltautus | Zydre

Though anyone on my toyhouse is a potential candidate depending on your style!

Payment Options:
I'm willing to pay upwards of 2k PC on a single piece! I also have some "hot" items like white dragon scales and tricolor petals, as well as plenty of mid/high grade plant products and potion ingredients I can offer as payment!

human, humanoid, satyr, fawn, sphinx, lamassu, naga, lamia, anthro, feral, digital, traditional, lineart, pixel, icon, all the tags?

Additional Information:
For the lineart commissions:

In general:
You can contact me here via PM or on discord @ Phantasmal#2100!

Thank you!
Last edited by Phantasmal, Sep 18th, 2019 - 11:15 PM
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