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Sep 17th, 2019
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4 Years ago
Sep 21st, 2019 - 3:54 AM
Nr. 6 #29143
Quote by: @Jesseth
Omg, you bet we have some excellent cute and/or silly names for our fish! Most of them Begin with "P" because that was the naming convention of our first 3 fish we kept together:

An example would be our oldest (and very first!) fish, a one eyed goldfish named poker! We got them on discount bc the pet store didn't think they were going to be able to sell them otherwise. Poker has grown up to be an absolutely ridiculous fancy-mutt of a goldfish. Google 'telescope oranda' and then envision the most awkwardly proportioned one eyed fish you can, and that's them. XD

Other notable ones include Pumpkin and Pomelo, both named after being fully orange and round with small back fins, and Pugwash my gold-koi hybrid who is named after a cartoon pirate with a thin black moustache because of their tiny tiny inherited barbels~.

Honestly I have a soft spot for the 'cheap' fancy goldfish bc they seem to always be either bred totally randomly, or be runoff from someones' fancy breeding projects... Because of that it's always a complete lottery what weird things they're gonna grow up with- will it be huge eyes? a forehead ornament? both? a massive tail or a tiny one, or TWO tails completely?

I've heard that goldfish can get to almost 30 years old. I hope ours are still around when I'm old hehe.

Sounds like you have quite a few crazy fish! I love those telescope goldfish! I've always wanted one! It sounds a lot like the case with my endlers too! They were sold as "feeder guppies" and each one came out looking completely different from the others. My favorite is Turtlescale who looks like a mix of a guppy and a normal endler. He has an interesting tail coloration with one streak of orange on his tail, rather than the two I often see on other endlers. I also have Inktail, who has dalmatian spots on his tail and an otherwise bland body. Then there's Twig whose pretty bland for an endler altogether but who I love all the same. They each have their own little personalities too! Turtlescale is always on the side of the tank that I am, and always seems to come when I call his name, though this could just be coincidence. I love "feeder" fish though. They always end up being the most lovable.
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