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Dec 31st, 2019
Posts: 71
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4 Years ago
Jan 20th, 2020 - 11:18 PM
Nr. 1 #33916 22
Every time I join a site or play a game focused on collecting Pokemon-adjacent monsters, there's one thing that always strikes me before anything else - the desire to make my own! Unfortunately, there's just one roadblock: I can never finish what I start. Every time I start sketching up a new design, there's always a snag. Maybe I feel it isn't close enough to the established style, or maybe the design in my mind's eye is more complicated than what I can accomplish, or maybe I get the idea that I actually hate what I've been drawing and scrap it all right at the end.

Well I've had enough. Every day, I am going to draw a new Pixpet, and limit myself to a 10-15 minute timeframe and the most basic brushes so that quality is no longer an obstacle. I'll generate a number between 1 and 4 to determine how many colors it will have, and then in turn randomly generate those colors. I'm hoping this can help me overcome artblock and become a better artist overall, and I'm sharing them here because I figure the folks here might like some of these fast and sloppy doodles. Or not! Either way, I'm archiving them here for the heck of it. I hope you enjoy-


Name: Yetlag
Height (head to feet): 2'6" (76 cm)
Color Groups: White (100%)
Rarity: 35%
Pixpet Type: Aircraft
Lifting Capacity: 0-30 WU

Irritating, but not very strong. Live on airliners like fleas. Easy to kick over, and sound like a tin can when they helplessly tumble to the ground.

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Last edited by NuVonde, Aug 3rd, 2020 - 7:59 AM
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