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Dec 31st, 2019
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4 Years ago
Feb 1st, 2020 - 7:31 AM
Nr. 42 #34264 13
Posting a little later than usual today. Been a little busy but I didn't want to be late with this one because it's a little more special. Wanted to bookend the month of January with a bit of a more elaborate Pixpet, and shamelessly promote something I really hope we eventually get - a melanistic legendary variant, to balance out all these albinos we have. I'll probably end every month with a legendary like this but who knows, we'll see what February brings!

DAY 12

Name: Fatamorgyle
Height (head to hindquarters): 18'6" (564 cm)
Color Groups: Purple (57%), Grey (35%), Yellow (6%), Green (2%)
Rarity: 1.5% (Legendary)
Pixpet Type: Mirage
Lifting Capacity: 66-96 WU

Although demigods, their demeanor is insidious and ignoble. Shimmering into view exclusively in sandy deserts on hot days, they play "pranks" on Pixpets and travelers alike that leave them dazed and sometimes even grievously injured. Their dusty bodies do not contain an ounce of moisture, and their attacks can only be deterred by water, fading from view abruptly before the liquid can touch them.

Name: Melanistic Fatamorgyle
Height (head to hindquarters): 18'6" (564 cm)
Color Groups: Black (52%), Grey (40%), Brown (6%), Cyan (2%)
Rarity: 0.5% (Legendary)
Pixpet Type: Mirage
Lifting Capacity: 66-96 WU

This variant of Fatamorgyle is rare enough that all sightings of them in the wild can be counted on one's hands. They are less bold than their diurnal counterparts, and prefer to stalk from a distance, tempting the thirsty with illusory projections of oases. Those raised domestically seem more concerned with taking naps and playing chess, though.
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