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Dec 5th, 2017
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3 Years ago
Jun 6th, 2020 - 8:40 PM
Nr. 1 #36674 26
Vivid Pixpets!

The Pixpet Adventure has been a long term brainchild that is being lovingly created for you. While it will introduce a new way to enjoy the Pixpet game, it'll also introduce new B-Variants for each Pixpet that will only be obtainable trough the adventure. We (@Komodo and site artist @Lorienee) are currently working on recoloring each Pixpet to create those new exciting variants!

They are called Vivid Pixpets and can only be obtained by battling and healing Glitched Pixpets with the use of a Deglitch-Potion. Once healed trough the potion, they'll keep their special colors and turn back to eggs that you can adopt! Of course some Pixpets will be harder to deglitch, since even legendary ones can be affected...

You will encounter this new drax variant and many more during the adventure!

#01-B Vivid Drax

Pixpet Adventure Milestone

We have reached a milestone where the software is now ready for stories to be added! Several mods have already tested the software internally and given feedback for more improvements!

We have defined a lore for the Pixpet Realm and we're currently hiring several professional writers to create the stories needed for the adventure. They will work with our adventure writer to easily add new Story Arcs to the game. Right now we're also defining a ton of new stats for the Pixpets like Pixpet Abilitites, Pixpet Features and Battle Stats as well as Attacks.

Happy Playing!
Last edited by Komodo, Jun 19th, 2020 - 4:36 AM
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