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Dec 5th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 3rd, 2019 - 12:54 AM
Nr. 46 #3714

Nix (or Nyx) is the greek goddess of the night. Xeldron's dark colour kinda reminds me of the night.

Miakoda is an american indian name meaning "power of the moon". There's no special meaning, I just found the name pretty.

Raffles is a fictional thief. I find it fitting since Bloomfer is based on a ferret (I think) and they're known for stealing stuff. Also it's a few words away from "Rafflesia", a species of stinky plants. That references ferrets "unique" odor and Bloomfer's flower-esque features.

Kairyu is Dragonite's (from Pokémon) japanese name. Drax is a cute dragon just like Dragonite! Besides, mine is yellow so it kinda fits Dragonite's orangey color.
Naffy's Signature

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I apologize if my grammar is bad, I'm not a native speaker
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