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May 6th, 2018
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5 Years ago
May 6th, 2018 - 12:15 PM
Nr. 51 #385
Hello! I'm Moonlightelf, though you can call me in other variations of the name too.

My pronouns are she/her and I'm 28 now. I used to be a member in DragonAdopters and even had some item and dragon backgrounds published back then. :3 I was in there to the very bitter end, but I am very happy to be here with you guys!

I'm hobbyist artist, though I am soon going back to school to get myself a new profession. Life's choices didn't exactly end up the best way possible, but I am getting thrilled to try again and hopefully succeed this time!
I gotta admit, I went through a lot of emotional wreckage, but I also got wonderful friends out of it. So everything feels much brighter now from life.

Either way, once I get stuff arranged together, I'll be hopefully tossing some art around.
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