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Jan 21st, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 6th, 2019 - 5:15 AM
Nr. 22 #4309 1
Date: Jan. 5th, 2019
Writer: Macy the Drax

Dear Journal, my owner bought a journal for me and my adopted brother, Rock, to write in. I’m honestly surprised I’m able to write despite being a dragon. Well, my talons do work a lot like a human’s, so it makes sense. Anyway, I just came back from another hoard, and I found some useful things. Some Pixcoins, a liquid sunshine, and a slow growth pumpkin fertilizer (my owner threw that away because it had “slow” in the name, what’s the point of using fertilizer that makes pumpkins grow slower?). I’m pretty tired right now because of how long that expedition was. I’ll have to rest until tomorrow, while Rock is still out hoarding (his are much shorter than mine since he only started hoarding today shortly after he hatched). He shouldn’t be gone for long. But because he’s only just hatched, my owner put protective gear on him to protect Rock from any potential danger.

Whew, that was pretty long, and I think that made me more tired than I was before. It’s getting late, anyway, so I should get some good rest soon. Hope I can write on here tomorrow!

- Sincerely, Macy
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Draco | Cisgender Female | 19 | Autistic Artist and Writer | Dragon and Robot Fanatic

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Last edited by DraconicMusic, Jan 6th, 2019 - 7:15 PM
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