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Feb 2nd, 2019
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2 Years ago
Jan 23rd, 2022 - 8:55 PM
Nr. 18 #43648 1
This is all so exciting!!

First of all I'm PUMPED for pixpals, I love to collect things and they are SO cute. Along with being interact-able (SWEET), do we know if they'll give buffs for adventures or hoards, or will they be purely decorative? Either way, having some more things to add to pixpet profiles will be awesome, I'm all for more customisation and making things more personal (which reminds me I still need to draw something for my mobaths profile boxes... all 16 of them lol). I'm also appreciating the added challenge for collecting them, I flew through finishing the vivid dex so fast and I kind of regret not taking my time to smell the roses a bit more haha

This new game has me thinking it might be a rhythm game?? I hope that's the case!

I'm also overjoyed to see the little brontosaurus buddy got added to the game after all, I hope they'll get evolutions in the future too!

Lastly, MONTHLY contests with physical prizes each time?? I hope this doesnt come off as anything other than sincere; I used to work on another pet site, a couple years back, and from that I learned it's really important not to take too much on all at once. So while I can't speak for every user, nor do I ever want to sound like I'm trying to, I just hope the team knows that fun things are worth the wait. And if anything feels overwhelming and needs to be shelved for a while, or winds up taking longer than anticipated, just look at the response to when adventure was in development! Lots of people were echoing the same sentiment that they're willing to wait, as long as communication stays open and they know where everyone's at. I know personally, I love to just check in and hear how the people running the place are doing

Anyways TL;DR: I'm stoked for all the new things we're getting, hope the staff are doing well and remember to take breaks!
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