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Jul 12th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 9th, 2019 - 11:34 AM
Nr. 27 #4768 1
To the reading readers who read,
Mama Dragon told us about this forum, and asked if we were interested in writing a piece for you. I really liked that so now I'm typing this for you. I have to be careful not to hit the keyboard too hard as Mama Dragon's laptop is Precious, but I'm doing okay. I tend to spend most of my time outside because I love the wind and the sun and the rain and the plants and the smells and the bugs and everything, but for now Mama Dragon has asked me to come inside. That's nice too, there are books here that Mama Dragon is teaching me to read and there's a sowing machine in the corner that Nana sometimes work with. Inside smells of family and food, and that's nice too.
I also like the new year and how Mama Dragon doesn't smell as sad anymore. She says December was Nana's Mama's favorite month, and all the celebrations reminded her of how she's gone now. She didn't say gone where though. I wonder when I'll meet her? On her photo she looks kind and happy and warm, especially when Mama Dragon or Nana light up a candle in front of it. I can't help but wonder if she likes hugs like Mama Dragon does. I know I do!
I don't know what else to type here, so I'm letting Aurum have his turn now. Bye bye!
Inigo the Drax

Hihihi! I'm really really happy and Mama-Papa let me do lots of runs, but now it was Little-Big-Sister's turn, so Papa-Mama put me in rest but that's alright, Little-Big-Sister needed to stretch her limbs and fly and have adventures and find treasures and make friends and have fun and play games and fight monsters and rescue damsels and-
Sorry, sorry, got a bit too enthusiastic there, but I can't help it really I'm so exited and happy and I feel really bubbly and soon I'll be floating against the ceiling like they did in that movie Papa-Mama-Papa showed us yesterday because I'll be sooooo happy the ground can't hold me!
Little-Big-Brother is happy too, but his happy is more quiet and smile-y while my happy is loud and bouncy!
Oooh, ooh, Mama-Papa-Mama is going to bake cookies and wants me to help them!
TheDragonPrincess's Signature
Silence is golden and hugs are amaze
But I don't like people; they exhaust me for days
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