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Feb 12th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Jan 16th, 2019 - 12:21 AM
Nr. 59 #5780 2
Quote by: @BK47

Aw, for me the plants are almost as fun as the pets, so I'd actually be sad if Komodo stopped making plants for new evolutions. I also think that having more plants would raise the general demand for plant products, since we have plant pot limits and that means one person can't grow every plant, so people are forced to buy what they aren't willing to grow themselves (since they'd have to sacrifice one of their current plants). Either way I'm glad to hear that you're okay with having at least one more plant in the game to even out the numbers, and you're right that the scientific name Monstera deliciosa doesn't flow very well. I do like "Monster Plant" since it's closest to the scientific name. Ceriman Plant could work too. I've always thought that "Swiss Cheese Plant" sounded a bit misleading and not appetizing XD

Pfft, paingolin, I like that. Pangolins are so cute to me, so it would be fun to reimagine them as something terrifying.

And to get back on topic, some other animals I'd like to offer up as possible inspiration for future pixpets would be the capybara, the sugar glider, and prehistoric mammals like the giant ground sloth or Sivatherium giganteum, an ancestor of the giraffe.

"people are forced to buy what they aren't willing to grow themselves"

See, this is what I'm scared about if pixpets took this path for their cultivation i'm pretty sure it'll be bad for the economy and the general userbase. Right now, users are already have a hard time juggling different plant products. I don't think adding more pants than users can handle would make it better, and besides. "Evolution plant" is not really that fitting since they're used in other recipes like potions. If there is going to be a new plant for every evolution, there should at least make one for some other helpful item.
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