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5 Years ago
Sep 19th, 2018 - 11:58 AM
Nr. 24 #595
Quote by: MahuruRaji
Okei, So on to my actual ideas.
Sorry if I get really ambitious with these? I have no experience with coding so I have no idea if any of these are way out of scope. More just my wishlist, if you will ;; v;;

User Page Features: I know 'about me' sections for the user has already been suggested but I just wanted to add on some things. Obviously, an area for people to add some flavour text and introduce themselves when you view their profile is very important. I think it would also be nice to have a friends list. And maybe a highlight pet area or 'featured pet'. That we can pick a pet to showcase on our profiles.

Other features that might be nice, a comment section for people to leave comments on your profile. A recent forum activity. Because if you're like me, you use this all the time to re-visit forums you just posted to.

Pet Pages: I find with most pet games, you want to make your pets your own, and you want to show them off. I just realised you can't even click on other peoples pets when you visit their page. I'd love to be taken to a separate page where you could view them individually, and maybe read tidbits about them that the user has created. I think lore and personalising your pets is a really important part of a pet site, without that you're just sort of collecting pictures with no substance. And since everyone's pets are going to look the same there's even less of that. Even if for now it just means that other people can view them the same way you can when you visit your Pixpet Inventory? (If this already possible and I'm just dumb and can't figure it out, I do apologise ; v; )

Yep, let me read this and try to make one short sentence out of this :D
(I should'be know that people will write whole books in this thread )
I think I can slide this with "General Game and Site Improvements?

Quote by: imp
Id like to suggest a few things.
First up
Beginners care package.
Right now it comes with pumpkin and plant seeds, 1 piece of each types fertilizer, and the basic decor for your house.
Id Iike to suggest in addition a sample of pet food. So that you can use the hoard feature when your pet hatches rather than not really having anything to do.

There is a sort of "Care Package", everyone starts with randomized Pumpkin and Plant Seeds, fertilizers and a basic set of decorative items.
As for the Food, there was something that caused users not to have food at all to start with. Everyone has been given 500 units of food, which is the amount you should have from the beginning.

Quote by: alienbirb
Some kind of recipe book could be helpful for not wasting materials while brewing/cooking - and maybe giving pixpets the ability to retrieve parts of recipes (or whole, depending on their level) while they're on hoard/out hoarding

Take a look at the "Game Help" section and you'll find a sub-page for recepies
If Komodo decides to add some that is.
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Last edited by Takkju, Jul 3rd, 2019 - 2:09 AM
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