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Jan 3rd, 2019
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5 Years ago
Feb 7th, 2019 - 2:15 AM
Nr. 26 #8553
Vidali the Velibolt / HPA HQ / Interacting with Mal (@RedFeatheredReptile) & Eltanin (@Illkurok)

A renewed smile split along the beak of the Velibolt. She prepared a reply, one of witty tone, when at the last moment, her words failed her at the sensation of an overwhelming presence just above. A tilt of the head revealed the massive, serpentine body of a Noo-Long, with clouds billowing like proud flags in the headquarter's still air.

There was a certain, sloppily repressed, "Ooooh!" that left Vidali's beak; a quick show of admiration for the dragon's ability, and shining red scales. That was until he implied that Vidali herself may have been younger than she appeared. "Oh! I am not young -- in fact, I'm -- " she rushed, before a thud interrupted her train of thought.

She couldn't help but peer to the side to see what the commotion was. To her surprise, it appeared to be a Drax clinging to a scroll of parchment. Had she bumped into the Noo-Long? She must have been so intent on reading the paper she had in her claws, she hadn't bothered to check where she was going. And, what was worse, was that she was rambling about something Vidali hadn't quite heard -- and suddenly, the attention was on her. Don't you agree? What was she agreeing to?

"I... guess? Hey, are you alright? You really shouldn't read while you walk..." Vidali replied, her green eyes cast elsewhere in an effort to shed off the spotlight. Luckily, that spotlight was quickly ripped from her reluctant claws.

A sparkling -- yes, that was an accurate word to describe him -- Fluffpaxa had waltzed into the headquarters. She could overhear remnants of the conversation he was holding with the Rootax and Indigoat... something about the jungle possibly sparkling? Glittering? She suddenly hoped it was true. That would be a dream!
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