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Apr 6th, 2018
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5 Years ago
Oct 6th, 2018 - 7:00 AM
Nr. 38 #957
A lot of the wording around the site is much clearer and cleaner now; thanks Komodo and everyone in this thread! I did notice a few more things today that could be corrected, though.

Ganymede pointed this out for Delete Items, but the same dialogue exists for Release Pets:

The second E is missing from immediately, and the T is missing from brought.

Under the Pixpets tab:

Maybe I'm crazy, but I could've sworn the third option used to say "Pixdex"! Did I imagine it? Is this the Mandela Effect in action?

A couple of instances where "can not" should be "cannot". These can be found under Inventory and Combine Seeds, respectively.

If you haven't already changed this, I also agree with Ashmee and MahuruRaji that instances of "his/her" would be more inclusive if switched to "they/them".

And regarding apostrophes:

Nooo! Believe in the apostrophes! They will set you free! D:

I agree with VampVixen; they're vital to good grammar and would add to the professionalism of the site. I understand that they can be confusing, especially if players can't agree with each other on the right way to use them, but there are a lot of grammar blogs and sites out there which have pretty much covered everything. What I'm trying to say is, if you ever think that one of us has offered a miscorrection (not just regarding apostrophes, but anything really), you'll most likely find the right answer online!

To specifically address @Akuma's post: 99 percent of your apostrophe corrections are correct. The only one that I believe is wrong is peoples'. By putting the apostrophe after the S, you've pluralized a word that's already the plural form of "person". That's not to say that "people" can't be further pluralized (e.g. "the indigenous peoples of America" refers to multiple tribes) but in this case we're talking about only one group of people, i.e. the players, so you would put the apostrophe before the S (e.g. "The People's Republic of China"). So I believe @Dog was right on this one, but again, all of your other corrections were spot-on Akuma!

Edit: Almost forgot!

Should be Giant Clover
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Last edited by BK47, Oct 6th, 2018 - 9:00 AM
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