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Dec 5th, 2017
Posts: 1145
Pixpets: 81
Pixdex: 30
5 Years ago
Oct 11th, 2018 - 9:12 PM
Nr. 1 #990
The site wide code overhaul that took over a week is now finally complete and I have been working on improving/changing current features already:

  • Share Links: Share links are the images automatically generated for every pixpet which can be found on their hoarding page. Share images are now generated for eggs too! Also the sharing section has been visually improved. The tiny icon sharing image now changes too when your pixpet hatches or evolves. This change has been done so that pixpets can now be advertised before they hatch.

  • Full Pixpet Display: On userpages, the full information for each pixpet is now visible as well as their big sprite. This is a preparation for an upcoming feature where visitors can help eggs hatch faster!

  • Badge Display: The display for badges has been improved.

  • Pixdex Ranking: This is a new page where the players with the fullest pixdex are displayed. It can be found under Game -> Pixpets -> Pixdex Ranking. Playes are ranked after how full their pixdex is (primay), how many pixpets they have in total (secondary), and how many items they have in total (tertiary).

There have been many bugfixes all around the site, for example an important bugfix to the cooking feature. The brewing/baking and refining features will now receive special attention:

Upcoming Feature: Recipe Book! This will be an overview of all recipes that you successfully followed so far. Recipes for evobars will also finally be revealed, so that you can start evolving your pixpets!

Upcoming Feature: Egg hatching helper! Visitors on your public userpage will be able to help your placed pixpet eggs hatch faster.

Upcoming Changes: There will be a second game balancing round where a lot of parameters will be adjusted. Most importantly a huge reduction of the house prices. Also the chance to find seeds and potion/evobar ingredients on hoards will be increased.

Have fun playing!
Last edited by Komodo, Jun 27th, 2019 - 12:55 AM
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