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NewsPumpkin Cultivating System (4 Posts and 180 Views) (Closed)
Topic Tags: Pumpkins, Pixpet, Food, Feature, Grow, Garden

Dec 5th, 2017
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6 Years ago
Mar 30th, 2018 - 6:46 PM
Nr. 1 #339
If you were on Dragonadopters you maybe remember the pumpkins. They are back for Pixpet!

As plants (see previous news), pumpkins can be grown too! They have a fixed slot in your garden. The amount of pumpkin slots depends on the size of your house/garden(s). In this case, only one garden slot is present.

The growing system is similar to the one of the plants. However, pumpkins grow much faster and therefore need more water. Also pumpkins do not regrow after a harvest! It's also possible to harvest the plant at different stages. As illustrated in the image, you can also harvest a pumpkin flower for example. The amount of fruits is random, but can be increased with fertilizer.

Pumpkin flowers and fruits are ingredients for potions. So don't miss harvesting your pumpkins at the right time, depending on the potion you want to brew!

(Click image to enlarge)

Full grown pumpkins can also be turned into pixpet food! Even if you forget to water them and the grade plummets to 0, it will still make for a reasonable amount of food for your pets. Pixpets will need food in order to go on hoards.

(Click image to enlarge)
Early Adopter

Apr 12th, 2018
Posts: 54
Pixpets: 25
Pixdex: 36
6 Years ago
Apr 12th, 2018 - 3:04 PM
Nr. 2 #360
Oh that's soooo awesome! This brings back my memories of DragonAdopters, I loved this game at a time and I was so sad when it was closed down... I decided to check out DragonAdopters site with some hope that it could have came back and I saw PixPet ad, so I decided to click it and I signed in immediately
Early Adopter

Feb 21st, 2018
Posts: 6
Pixpets: 8
Pixdex: 6
6 Years ago
Apr 14th, 2018 - 1:28 PM
Nr. 3 #365
Lmao, I remember them but I never used them. XD
Early Adopter

Feb 21st, 2018
Posts: 24
Pixpets: 2
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6 Years ago
Apr 15th, 2018 - 1:16 AM
Nr. 4 #368
i remember pumpkins! looks like its going really well!
fairytiel's Signature
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